Children’s Faith Formation celebrated their end of year classes last weekend following the Sunday 9am Mass with a “Liturgy of the Light Award and Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony” in the Parish Center. Families joined together afterwards for an afternoon of games and pot-luck BBQ lunch! It was a beautiful afternoon of family, fun and Faith! 

We would like to thank our CFF Volunteers for the 2021-22 School Year for making our program a success for our children and Parish families 

Preschool-Kindergarten Faith Formation

Beth Moeur, Jules Freed, Katy Jelley, Amanda Ferris, Cindy Pelger, Janneth Sarakakis

Elementary School Faith Formation 1-5th grades:

Beth Moeur, Ana Bonilla & Emilia Enriquez-Vazquez, Carmen Vigo, Palmyra Pawlik & Joanne Lee, Maria Gallo & Jeff Pelger, Robin Hendrickson & Ava Downey & Adriana Salas,  Marti Guidouz & Rachel Perez, Debbie Shih & Elizabeth Shih & Jessica Regidor, 

Parent Faith and Professional skill sessions:

Rose Lue, Linda Batton, Stephen Lee

Photographers, program and office assistants:

Don Perez, Colleen Panec, Mike Abbott and Stephen Lee

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

Carmen Vigo, Rose Lue and Elaine Vicente 

Special Recognition to our Volunteers of 5, 10 & 15 years!

15 Years Volunteer Diocesan Recognition and St. Pius X Award: Rose Lue

10 Years Volunteer Diocesan Recognition and St. Pius X Award: Debbie Shih

5 Years Volunteer Diocesan Recognition: Beth Moeur, Maria Gallo, Rachel Perez, Jessica Regidor and Stephen Lee

Thank you for your dedication to the Children’s Faith Formation Ministry.


Looking ahead …

The calendar of the CFF school year for 2022-23 will be similar to this school year. The first day of the class is the last Sunday of August and the last day of the school year is the last Sunday of April. First Holy Communion is on the first weekend of May. We are grateful to those who supported us by already registering. Click on the link here to register your child/children for the next CFF school year. 


Sr. Mary-Han