Tuesday Lunch Ministry

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Hebrews 13:2

Every Tuesday, St. Simon parishioners prepare and serve lunch to about 80 clients of the Opportunity Center in Palo Alto, a part of the LifeMoves network which works to solve homelessness. The Opportunity Center is a drop in facility for local homeless, open from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday – Friday. Guests are able to shower, wash clothes, eat, use computers, and rest. Consider forming a small team of 2-3 people who can join you in this ministry. You can also join our “Honey Helpers” distribution list, and sign up monthly to prepare a dish, shop, or serve. Email: outreach@stsimon.org


How it works: parishioners choose a Tuesday from the online calendar to prepare and/or serve lunch. We usually use the Parish Center kitchen for food preparation. A meal consists of an entrée, a salad, fruit and bottled water. Healthy snacks like bars or trail mix can be included. We have provided a wide variety of meals including pastas, roasted or baked meats and chicken, hamburgers, soups and chili, pizza and sandwiches. Those who do not cook are welcome to help with serving and clean up. We arrive by 12:00pm with food ready to begin serving no later than 12:30pm. We are usually finished between 1:30-2:00pm.


The location of the Opportunity Center is:
33 Encina Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 853-8672

Form a team! Please consider forming a small team of 2-3 people who can join you in this ministry. For more information please contact Moira Delumpa or Joan Mibach ph: 650 880 1416 or email: outreach@stsimon.org