Safe Environment Details
What is Fingerprinting?
Live Scan Fingerprinting is the process of taking electronic images of an individual’s fingerprints and submitting them to the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to obtain records of criminal activity, including subsequent arrest information. Required for Clergy, Employees and Volunteers. Live Scan Fingerprinting is easily completed at Verify Group in Campbell (see Instructions button above).
What is VIRTUS?
VIRTUS is the ONLINE Diocesan Safe Environment training course. Training is available exclusively via the VIRTUS online learning management system. The training is composed of short videos and multiple-choice questions. Training will take about one hour, but you can save and continue later (see Instructions button above).
Adult volunteers must take the “Protecting God’s Children” course. Adult Volunteers who serve in Homebound Ministries, bringing the Eucharist to the sick, or serve with vulnerable adults are required to take the combined training course – “Protecting God’s Children & Vulnerable Adults” – which incorporates the Protecting God’s Children training material.
Adult Safe Environment training must be renewed every three (3) years. You will receive an email notification from the Diocese of San Jose when you are due for renewal.
Teen volunteers must take the “Healthy Relationships for Teens” VIRTUS course. Teen Safe Environment training must be renewed every two (2) years. You will receive an email notification from the Diocese of San Jose when you are due for renewal.
For More Information
For more information on the Safe Environment Procedures (SEP) at Saint Simon Parish, email
For more information from the Diocese of San Jose Safe Environment Procedures (OPCVA) see
The Office for The Protection of Children & Vulnerable Adults (OPCVA)
The Diocese of San Jose’s Office for the Protection of Children & Vulnerable Adults (OPCVA) is committed to fostering healthy relationship by means of educating, training, and screening all adults who have regular access to children, youth, and vulnerable adults within the Diocese of San Jose for the purpose of preventing harm.
As always, the Office for the Protection of Children & Vulnerable Adults appreciates your continued collaboration in maintaining a safe environment for all. Please be assured of our continued prayers for you and your family as we ask for God’s Grace in our determination to protect our youth and most vulnerable.
Please feel free to contact the office without hesitation with your questions or concerns. The Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults is always available to provide guidance, support and answer questions at 408-983-0113 or email