St. Simon Catholic Parish Mass Intentions & Mass Intention Request Form

Mass Intention Request – please scroll down to use the online form to submit your Mass Intention before Thursday, 12:00 noon, to be included in the next week’s Masses, if space is available. Intentions received after Thursday, 12:00 noon, will be included in the following week’s Masses, if space is available.

Sat 2/15/2025
8:30 AM Birthday Blessings for Michelle Van Niel
5:00 PM Repose of the Soul of Delores Webb; Sp. Int. of Teresa Chung
Mass Intentions for the Week of February 16th, 2025
Sat 2/15/2025
5:00 PM Repose of the Soul of Delores Webb; Sp. Int. of Teresa Chung
Sun 2/16/2025
7:30 AM Sp. Int. of SK Yoon
9:00 AM Sp. Int. of Teresa Chung; Repose of the Soul of Virgilio Mondero
11:15 AM Repose of the Souls of Bob Mibach and Frank Sorich
5:00 PM For the Healing of Rosa Kim; Repose of the Soul of Jeff Jones
Mon 2/17/2025
6:30 AM No Mass
8:30 AM Sp. Ints. of Claire Tu and Luke Chen
Tue 2/18/2025
6:30 AM Repose of the Soul of Ki Soon Kim and Jung Tae Kim
8:30 AM For the Healing of Kelly Arezoo
Wed 2/19/2025
6:30 AM Repose of the Soul of Tom Marren; For the Healing of Andy and Karen Ritenour
8:30 AM Repose of the Soul of Ralph Sondgroth
Thu 2/20/2025
6:30 AM Repose of the Soul of June and Gaetano Giurlani; For the Healing of Kelly Arezoo
8:30 AM Repose of the Soul of Julio Ponce Antunez de Mayolo
Fri 2/21/2025
6:30 AM Repose of the Souls of Lorraine Crowell and Dottie Miller
8:30 AM Sp. Int. of Wendy and Wei-Chuan Chung
Sat 2/22/2025
8:30 AM Sp. Int. of Aurora Fox
5:00 PM Repose of the Soul of Barbara Baxter
Sun 2/23/2025
7:30 AM Sp. Ints. of SK Yoon and Othilia Kim
9:00 AM Repose of the Soul of Lucille Love; Sp. Int of Teresa Chung
11:15 AM For the Healing of Rosa Kim; Repose of the Soul of Narciso Libalib
5:00 PM Repose of the Soul of Nan Roey; Sp. Int. of Catherine Kim