Parish Campus Planning Committee
To read the full report and recommendations to Fr. Warwick from the Parish Campus Planning Committee please click here:Final Report, Parish Campus Planning 9-2013. Below you will find links to other documents available for review including parish survey results, the Committee’s Town Hall presentation, and the 2010 Facilities Assessment.
Parish St. Simon In June of 2012, upon completion of the school remodel project, Fr. Warwick chartered an ad hoc committee to look into how best to fulfill remaining Capital Campaign commitments, as well as to address certain Parish space planning issues more generally. The committee was led by Jeff Purnell and included members from the Pastoral Council (Kathy Chou, Jeff Purnell), the Finance Council (Tom Barton, Pat Geary), the Facilities Committee (Ken Holman, Duke Powers), and Parish staff (Joan Mibach).
Working with Fr .Warwick, the committee was chartered with recommending how best to proceed with each of the following issues:
- Center for Youth in Ministry – Moving forward with the last remaining facility commitment of the Rooted in Faith Capital Campaign.
- Rectory and Parish Office – more specifically: Bringing priest living situation to be in compliance with Diocesan guidelines regarding adequate separation of Priest residential life vs. Parish/office duties, compliance with American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. and increasing office and meeting space.
- Convent – Examination of best long-term use.
- Pre-school Expansion – Options to accommodate a facilities expansion given that we are presently at maximum capacity and have a waiting list, as well as its importance in feeding Kindergarten/school enrollment.
The committee has now completed its work, and its recommendations have been approved by all of the relevant Parish leadership groups, Father Warwick, and the Diocese. The implementation of the recommendations is now being transitioned to the Facilities Committee. For a complete report from the Parish Campus Planning Committee including the recommendations to Fr. Warwick, please click on link at top of this page.
Other documents available for your review:
Town Hall Meeting Presentation 12/12
Parish Campus Utilization Survey Results 4-2013
St. Simon Facility Assessment 3-2010
Facilities Committee Objective
The primary objective of the Facility Committee is to oversee all aspects of the Parish’s facilities in order to maintain, protect, and enhance the value of the parish capital assets. The Committee will also develop a one, three, and five year capital plan which improves the facilities and enhances the community use. The Facilities Committee is a consultative body to the Pastor.
The Parish Facility Committee should consist of a variety of parishioners to ensure all perspectives are considered in committee decisions. Council members are to serve a maximum of five years, unless extended at Pastor’s request. Ideally, each member should have some previous background in facility matters. The Parish Facility Committee will be composed of the Pastor, Parish Office Liaison, the Facilities Manager, and 12 – 15 members. New members will be recommended by the committee and appointed by the Pastor.