Offering the hands of friendship, the goal of Visiting Ministry is to offer spiritual and social support for men, women and children of all ages who are home-bound, hospitalized or in a care facility.
- We provide Mass or Eucharistic Prayer Services to local facilities including Los Altos Sub Acute Center, Mountain View Health Care Center, Sunrise Nursing Diamond Care Facilities, etc.
- Eucharist and prayer to Catholics at El Camino Hospital.
- Possible transportation to Mass based on individual circumstances.
- Social interaction with the home bound and those in care facilities.
- Telephone calls when requested.
If you know someone who would like to be served by this ministry, please contact us.
If you are interested in visiting someone who needs uplifting and would like to join this wonderful Ministry, please contact Doris DeFranco, ph: 408 739 0974, or our Community Engagement Coordinator at the Parish Office.
- Parish Office ph: 650 880 1401, email:
- Doris DeFranco ph: 408 739 0974, email: