The gospel reading for Sunday is one of my favorites from the Bible, the walk to Emmaus. For me, it is a model for all ministry in our modern world. Let me explain. This is a post-resurrection scene where Jesus appears to the two disciples walking away from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Bear in mind that Jerusalem was considered the city of God and Emmaus was considered a sin-city. The disciples were feeling despondent as all their hopes that Jesus was the Messiah were dashed because he was dead, and even worse hung shamefully naked on a cross for all to ridicule.  They were walking away from the new Church.


On their walk, Jesus appeared to them but did not stop them. He could have dramatically appeared to them and had them focus all their attention on him as the resurrected Christ. But he did not. Instead, he walked alongside them and asked what was going on. He listened to them recount all that had taken place in Jerusalem. He let them talk it all out. He simply listened to them until they were finished telling their story.


When they finished telling him everything, only then did he explain how all that had happened applied to him and was the fulfillment of scripture. He pretended to leave, but they invited him to stay. He stayed and he broke bread with them. In the “breaking of the bread” (the first name for the Eucharist and Mass) he vanished from their sights. Then they realized who he was, and they asked themselves, “Were not our hearts burning as he talked to us on the way?” Where did he disappear to? In receiving the bread of life, they became him, and they ran back to Jerusalem and witnessed to what had occurred.


This is the model for ministry because I believe each one of us needs to walk alongside those who are leaving the Church (our City of God) or have already left. Like Jesus did, we need to listen as they walk away and not interrupt them but take the time to “listen.” After they have shared everything, only then can we share our personal experience of faith and witness to Jesus in our lives and the love we have shared. Hopefully, that will occur over a meal, and we can invite them to share our sacred meal, the Eucharist if it is appropriate. I especially believe we need to take the time to listen and walk with our young people.


In a few weeks’ time, over fifty 8th graders will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Oscar Cantu here at St. Simon. It is our opportunity to walk alongside them and listen to their stories. While it is not possible for every parishioner to attend the Mass, it is possible that we all share our hopes for them and encourage them along the way. At all the Masses this weekend we will have little cards with the names of our students receiving the Sacrament. We ask you to take a few cards and write a note of encouragement to them. How powerful it will be for them to receive these notes from our Saint Simon community encouraging them to be the light of faith in our world and reminding them they are loved no matter what happens. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for doing this with me.


Come fill your soul! I encourage you to bring your family and friends and join us for a special evening concert with Francesca LaRosa and John Angotti on Friday, April 29 at 7pm called Songs for the Soul. It is FREE and we are having a pre-concert reception at 6pm with appetizers, wine and refreshments for the kids. This will be a special evening of beautiful soul-filled music. Also please invite your friends and family to come to any Mass that weekend as both John and Francesca will be playing and singing along with every choir and cantor, at every Mass. What an awesome opportunity to welcome people to visit and experience our wonderful community and very special music.


Finally, I am delighted to report that we reached our ADA goal of $245,500 and I thank you for your incredible generosity. Now we enter into phase two which is to raise additional amounts, over and above the goal, to share with another parish. A St. Simon family who has already given a generous donation for our 2023 ADA, has contributed an additional $25,000 on a match basis. Every dollar we raise going forward will now be matched up to a total of $25,000 so I ask you to please consider a donation.


In past years, St. Simon Parish has had multiple outreach projects to needy causes.

  • In 2021, we raised an additional $50,000 over our ADA goal which was 100% matched by a parishioner and was used for rental assistance for parishioners in two parishes, Christ the King and St. Mary’s, Gilroy.
  • In 2022, in conjunction with the fundraising for the School STEM addition, we raised an additional $200,000 which was gifted to St. Patrick’s School, San Jose who served the low-income families in downtown San Jose for the establishment of their STEM program.


This year, we are raising funds to assist Christ the King (CTK) Parish in San Jose. All amounts raised over our ADA goal will go to support CTK Parish that serves a very diverse community of Catholics including a large Hispanic and Vietnamese community. The parish has substantial debt which it is paying off through some very innovative programs but has little funds left over for investment in church community series and certain capital projects. Along with a member of the St. Simon Finance Council, we have met with Fr. Hector, the pastor, to discuss St. Simon’s ongoing relationship with CTK parish including help with councils such as liturgy, music and finance, and the potential for St. Simon to partner on funding some programs. This will be a multi-year partnership in which we support CTK not just financially but with our time and talent too. Don McGovern, our Finance Council Chair for many years will serve as our direct liaison and will build up our relationship in multiple ways in the years to come.


As we have already exceeded our goal by $30,000, every dollar we raise going forward will now be matched up to a total of $25,000. What an incredible offer! We have an opportunity to give over $80,000 to CTK if it is matched.


Please think about an additional donation as we seek to further share our blessings with another parish and enable them to serve a huge, diverse community in growth. You can donate online or pick up an envelope at the Church entrances. ADA donation link hereThank you again for your generosity.


God Bless,

Fr. Brendan