Over the last few weeks, I have immensely enjoyed the Olympics. While I was away on vacation, I got to watch many sports that I never watch and I have enjoyed the skills of the competitors in unpredictable ways, particularly as I knew little about the sports. Since I returned home from vacation, I have made it a point to watch the highlights of each day while I exercise on my peloton bike late in the evenings.


I have witnessed many wonderful moments of competition and victory. For me, the Olympics are less about medals but memorable moments—moments of beauty, heroism and just the best of humanity. Yes, the medals count but far more inspiring are those extraordinary moments like the smile of Simone Biles as to whether she wins a medal or not. Or the moment when the young Koreans (North Korea and South Korea) shared the podium and photo together, something their countries cannot do. Or the welcoming of Ledecky to the “gold podium” of her swimming mate who won “silver.” Or the smile of the young Filipino gymnast, Carlos Yulo, who won a gold medal for his country for the first time and the outpouring of love for him. And so many more moments of beauty.


The best of humanity is on display through the Olympics, and we need to see it as it gives us hope in our broken and divided world. They have done a great job highlighting the goodness and love of humanity. It has been wonderful, and I encourage you to watch some of it if you have not already done so and stop watching the “other news.”


This weekend, we gather for the 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time, and we reflect on the profound words of Jesus in today’s Gospel: “I am the bread of life.” These words remind us of the incredible gift we receive in the Eucharist – the true presence of Christ who nourishes our souls and strengthens our faith. Just like the food at our dining room tables nurtures our bodies for the work we do, the food from the table of the Lord on Sunday, nurtures our souls for the spiritual journeys of our lives. We need it now more than ever. As we come together after our summer activities, let us renew our commitment to the Sunday Eucharist, receiving the bread of life and being the bread of life for others.


Upcoming Rummage Sale: Embrace Recycling, Reusing, and Giving

We are excited to announce that the first week of our annual parish rummage sale donation collection nights has been an overwhelming success. Thank you to so many who have supported us by donating your many items and giving of your time sorting them already. This event embodies the principles of recycling, reusing, and giving. It not only offers us an opportunity to declutter our homes and find new treasures but also plays a crucial role in supporting those in need within our community. By participating, you help ensure that items are given a second life and that proceeds go towards helping our neighbors who are less fortunate.


Call for Volunteers: Community Building and Outreach

Volunteers are the heart and soul of any community. Your participation in the rummage sale is vital to its success and provides an excellent opportunity to strengthen our parish community. Volunteering in the rummage is more than just an act of service; it is a chance to build relationships, work together towards a common goal, and extend our love and support to the wider community. We encourage you to be part of this meaningful event, you can sign up here.


Blessing of College and University Students

One of the ancient traditions in the Catholic church is to offer blessings for all occasions. In Ireland we gave and received blessings for pretty much everything! At the time, I did not fully appreciate the value of these blessings and now I treasure them, and we try to offer blessings each month for weddings, anniversary, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc. This weekend, we will offer a special blessing at all Masses for our college and university students as they prepare to return to their studies. We send them forth with our love, support, and prayers for a successful and fulfilling academic year. This blessing is not just a reminder that our parish family is always here for them always providing spiritual nourishment, but it is also our way to express our encouragement as they embark on their educational journeys and defining who they will be in the world. It is always wonderful to see so many of them over the summer months and I am sure it is hard to see them go but let’s offer our love and support in giving them our blessings.


Two weeks ago, we held our first teen summer camp called, “What a Mess”. Several of these teens have been on our Vacation Bible School (VBS) CORE team for years and are in college or have graduated high school and head off to college this summer. We will miss seeing them around St. Simon and eagerly await their return at the holidays. During the camp, the teens spent three afternoons and evenings together exploring their faith and the mess life sometimes offers. Kalena reminded the teens that life can get messy, but Jesus loves us all no matter what and is always here for us – wherever we are and no matter what state we are in. It was a wonderful bonding experience and a way for these teens who support VBS to have some camp fun of their own. We look forward to hosting it again next year and I would like to thank Kalena Moreira, our Youth Minister, Kerby Gerughty, our new Technology Ministry Coordinator and Karen Moreira for their vision and work on putting this camp together.


Return to Sunday Eucharist: Renew Your Spirit

As we transition from summer into our regular routines, let us remember the importance of gathering for Sunday Mass. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith, providing the spiritual sustenance we need to navigate our daily lives. Make it a priority to join us each Sunday, reconnect with our parish community, and be nourished by the bread of life.


Together, let us embrace the call to be the bread of life for others, sharing Christ’s love and presence in all we do. May this season of Ordinary Time be a time of spiritual renewal and growth for each of us. We look forward to seeing you at Mass and the rummage sale! Your participation and support truly make a difference.

God Bless,

Fr. Brendan