Last weekend, we kicked off Advent with a wonderful Christmas Tree lighting ceremony along with the children’s choir singing carols getting us into the Christmas spirit. Families and friends enjoyed hot chocolate, Christmas cookies served by the student cheer squad. This will surely be a new annual tradition as we had 100’s of children and their parents revel in the celebration. It was good for our souls to see all the children running around and enjoying the festivities at our little St. Simon village. A HUGE thank you to Cisco and Kristina Rivera and the Bligh, Schaufler, and Naval families and to all the volunteers involved for all the set-up of the village along with a new nativity set in front of the rectory and new “Pray for Peace” lights at the front. Also, a special thank you to Vinci Sam and Sr. Mary Han for organizing and hosting the Advent Wreath Making Event on Sunday. What a great crowd of families making wreaths! It was wonderful to see and a fantastic start to the Advent season.


You will have noticed we started Mass a little differently with the lights dim and the priests sitting in the Presider chair making for a reflective type of atmosphere. We are remaining seated for the gathering rite, as a sign of anticipation, and waiting in joyful hope. As we joyfully light the second candle of Advent, we are reminded of the importance of actively waiting for the coming of our Lord. It is a season of anticipation, a time to prepare our hearts and homes for the arrival of Christ. In this spirit of expectancy, let us actively seek His presence not only in our personal lives but also among all those we interact with here at our church community and beyond.


In the spirit of preparing for Christ’s presence, we are pleased to share with you the nearing completion of the installation of our new AV system in the Church. This significant investment is a testament to our commitment to enhancing the worship experience for all parishioners. The new system will particularly benefit those who struggle to hear during our Sunday services. The previous system, in service for over 20 years, was due for replacement and, with your support, we can ensure a smooth transition without the risk of unexpected breakdowns.


We also acknowledge the importance of our livestream ministry, a lifeline for many who are unable to join us in person. We have over 600 people who still tune in every week to join us for Mass of which over 200 join us live at 9:00 am. Your continued support enables us to reach and minister to those who may be homebound or unable to attend in person. I would like to thank the Tech Ministers who have been working tirelessly with the company installing the system. They have been at the Church for the past two weeks assisting with this implementation and Jurgen and Tim have spent many months in the planning. I thank them for their gift of time and talent – thank you Jurgen Krehnke, Tim Petersen, Attracta Lee and Bruce Zimmerman.


In the spirit of inclusivity and community growth, we are thrilled to announce the opening of our new Youth Center on Sunday, January 7, 2024. This space will be a haven for our young parishioners, providing a welcoming environment for growth, learning, and fellowship. It has been a long time in the planning and execution, but we are finally there. The new Youth Center is in Fr. Mike’s old suite which has been earmarked for a Youth Center for over 10 years. It is so exciting to finally have a dedicated space for our youth.


We will have an open house on Sunday, January 7th so you can visit the center after morning Masses with the official opening ceremony after the 5:00pm Mass. We will have Jesse Manibusan, a great Catholic composer, musician, and singer join us that night for Mass and a mini concert in the Youth Center. As a parish, it is essential that we extend our warmth to the youth and the homebound, ensuring that our ministry touches every corner of our community.


To realize these initiatives and maintain the vibrancy of our parish, we rely on the generous stewardship of each member. We need your financial support now. If you have not already increased your Sunday offering, we kindly ask you to consider doing so now. Additionally, if you are in a position to make a more significant one-time gift to support these initiatives, your contribution would be deeply appreciated. You can contact me or give a donation online here.


Together, as a community filled with hope and anticipation, let us actively seek the presence of Christ in all we do and continue to build a vibrant and inclusive parish for the glory of God. On Monday, December 11, we have our Advent Reconciliation Service at 7:00 pm.  Advent is a wonderful time to celebrate the reconciling love and the healing graces our Lord offers us.  As we begin the new liturgical year in the Church, we invite you to take this opportunity to join together in asking for forgiveness and healing during this important time of the year.


Please mark your calendar and save the date for the opening of our Youth Center on January 7th and let us journey through this Advent season together with hearts full of expectation.


God Bless


Fr. Brendan