As we reflect on the readings for this 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, we hear Jesus speak about the end times, a sobering reminder of the transience of all things. Yet, as we ponder these apocalyptic images, we are also called to treasure the gift of life God has given us and to live with hearts full of gratitude.


This week, my family experienced a powerful reminder of life’s fragility. My niece was involved in a terrible accident on I-80 in Utah when a car fell off the truck in front of her, causing her vehicle to overturn and tumble off the freeway. The sight of her mangled car left us in disbelief. By the grace of God, she and her dog emerged unharmed. This miracle has left me profoundly grateful—not just for her life but for the countless gifts we often overlook in our everyday lives.


As Thanksgiving approaches, I invite each of you to reflect on the blessings you hold dear. Whether it is the warmth of family, the bond of friendship, or the freedom we cherish in this great country, let us remember that life is a sacred gift. Amid the busyness of the season, let’s take time to gather with loved ones, share our tables, and offer prayers of thanks to God for His providence and protection.


Last weekend, we celebrated our annual Mass of Remembrance. The candlelight service was a beautiful way to honor our departed loved ones. As their pictures appeared in the slideshow, we were reminded of the enduring bond we share with them in Christ. The music—both stunning and deeply healing—helped us experience God’s peace and presence in our mourning. I pray that those who attended found comfort and hope in this sacred moment of community and prayer.


I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our pastoral staff for their hard work in creating such a beautiful and moving service. Special thanks to our incredible music team, whose stunning ministry brought extraordinary beauty to the Mass. The candlelight procession, the meditative songs, and the slideshow of our loved ones created an atmosphere of grace and healing, helping us to honor and remember those who have gone before us. I am grateful to the staff and ministers, who shared their talent to make this a deeply meaningful experience for all who attended, I am so grateful for your ministry.


I am always aware how difficult the holidays seasons are for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This year, I am also aware that 50% of our nation is mourning the loss of the election and their grief is real. As I mentioned last weekend, we are called to walk together with each other and help carry each other’s suffering that comes with grief. We cannot take away each other’s pain, but we accompany each other and give our family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors the courage and strength to continue to seek meaning through and beyond the suffering.


I hope the readings this weekend inspires us to live each day with hearts open to God’s love, ever mindful of His blessings in our lives. Let us cherish the present, prepare for the future, and trust in God’s eternal plan for us. Please join us next Sunday, November 24th for our Advent Wreath Making event as we begin to prepare our hearts for Christ’ birth. Please also save the date for Advent retreat evenings on December 3rd, 10th & 17th. Purchase your Advent Wreath kit here.


God Bless,


Fr. Brendan