27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The pilgrims arrived back this week tired but on fire with their faith a little more. We truly had an amazing trip, and we visited many incredible sites. In Istanbul, we continued to pilgrim in St. Paul’s footsteps. Istanbul, once known as Constantinople, was built by the emperor Constantine to give a notably city for…


25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel, Jesus challenges the disciples’ assumptions about greatness, turning their ideas upside down by teaching that the first must be the last and the servant of all (Mark 9:30-37). At first glance, the disciples’ reaction seems almost automatic, driven by their desire for prestige and status. This instinctual response—seeking power and recognition—is part…


24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus engages in a powerful and personal dialogue with His disciples, asking them, “Who do people say that I am?” The responses vary—John the Baptist, Elijah, or one of the prophets—but it is Peter’s response, when Jesus asks, “But who do you say that I am?” that shifts the conversation. Peter,…


22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

One of the gifts of the COVID-era lockdowns was the awareness we developed for the different “essential workers” in our communities. From store clerks to first responders to nurses and doctors, we all got a sharp reminder how important the different strata of our working population really are and how important it is for us…
