22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

One of the gifts of the COVID-era lockdowns was the awareness we developed for the different “essential workers” in our communities. From store clerks to first responders to nurses and doctors, we all got a sharp reminder how important the different strata of our working population really are and how important it is for us…


Tijuana Teen Reflection 2024

Three members of the Chao family from St. Simon joined us on the Tijuana Ministry Mission trip this summer.  Upon their return, students Dominic (19yrs) and Marissa (17yrs) wrote to their family and friends who  had helped them to raise the money to go on the trip and make donations to the ministry.  Here is…


18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

As I write this eBulletin article, I finished my last hike in the Utah and Colorado mountains on this 2-week vacation. I was able to hike over 130 miles of high-altitude trails and enjoy many high mountains. In particular, I got to climb to the summit of Pike’s Peak outside Colorado Springs. It was the…


17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 2024 Tijuana Ministry Trip Reflection by Joan Mibach …   This year we celebrated the 20th year of the BASICS Tijuana Ministry mission trip,  and the 15th year  St. Simon has participated in this immersion mission.  Each year the trip is slightly different based on the travelers who go and the programs we can offer. …
