What Does Stewardship Mean?
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
- Good stewards are proactive. They don’t wait until they feel like doing something.
- Good stewards are trustworthy. They are reliable and responsible.
- Good stewards are faithful. They don’t give up but keep going forward by faith.
- Good stewards are mindful. They don’t mindlessly move through life, they are thoughtful and purposeful.
- Good stewards are truthful. They aren’t deceptive or dishonest.
- Good stewards are diligent. They are persistent and hardworking.
- Good stewards are prayerful. They aren’t self-willed but seek the Lord’s guidance and direction in all things.
- Good stewards are discerning. They are sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and exercise good judgment.
- Good stewards recognize their role and responsibility. They don’t wander aimlessly, without a sense of purpose. They take their job as a manager of the mission seriously.
- Good stewards realize everything belongs to God. They understand that what has been entrusted to them is on loan from the Lord, and hold all things loosely.