Dear Parishioners,

Over this last year we have concentrated our efforts on reopening and coming back after a two-year shutdown due to the global pandemic. In this annual report you will read about parish finances for the Fiscal Year Ended 6-30-2022. We will recap how our Pastoral and School staffs, our Executive Leadership Team, the Parish Leadership Councils, the Parish Life Group, and the many ministry leaders and groups have served together to help us emerge from the pandemic years, still united in faith, still committed to the vibrant and welcoming community we are known for.

During this last year we moved from outdoor to indoor Mass while continuing livestream Mass for the homebound, vulnerable, and those still reluctant to return to Church in-person attendance. Our parish school and Faith Formation programs moved to live learning with all students in classrooms. We provided workshops and music programs to enhance our prayer life. We have held numerous retreats throughout the year to increase our prayer life. We celebrated joyful Sacraments publicly and gathered to say goodbye to family and friends who moved to their eternal life. We continued to reach out to others and shared our many blessings.

We have been very busy in our work to reopen the parish, and we still have a way to go to recover from the pandemic years. I thank each one of you for your ongoing help and support as we continue this journey.

God Bless,

Fr. Brendan McGuire