Welcome to our largest fundraiser, the Saint Simon Catholic Parish and School Auction, “A Moonlit Garden Gala”. The Saint Simon Parish Life Group, along with the entire parish and school, will host the15th Biennial Auction on Saturday, February 8, 2025 at the beautiful Villa Ragusa in Campbell. Our 2025 auction theme is “A Moonlit Garden Gala”. Join us for an unforgettable evening filled with twinkling lights, dinner and dancing. Greet old friends and meet new ones in this luscious garden under the bright moon.


The Biennial Auction is Saint Simon’s biggest fundraiser. The parish and school rely on Auction proceeds to fund special projects outside of normal operations ensuring Saint Simon is continually upgraded, well-positioned for the future, and shining like the wonderful and welcoming place that it is.


The auction not only benefits our school and parish, but our greater community, as proceeds fund local, national, and international charities carefully identified and recommended by our Outreach and Social Justice Council.

The proceeds from Auction 2025, “A Moonlit Garden Gala”, will be used to support:
• Parish Life Group needs and events
• Facilities infrastructure additions and upgrades
• Tuition Assistance
• Charitable organizations identified by our ministries


The 2023 Auction, “Under the Enchanted Sea”, raised an amazing $330,822 thanks to Auction Chairs, Melissa Moody and Autumn Vavoso, their outstanding auction committee, and YOU. Proceeds were used to fund all of the items highlighted above.


Thank you in advance for your consideration, generosity, and support in making “A Moonlit Garden Gala” a memorable and successful event.

Marie Dorcich, Jelena Grizelj and Kelly Walsh
Auction Chairs