Third Sunday of Easter

The gospel reading for Sunday is one of my favorites from the Bible, the walk to Emmaus. For me, it is a model for all ministry in our modern world. Let me explain. This is a post-resurrection scene where Jesus appears to the two disciples walking away from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Bear in mind that…

A Message from Fr. Thuc

A few weeks ago, after one of the Sunday Masses, a parishioner came to me expressing her desire to be a greeter at Mass.  She shared with me that for a while she had discerned that God really wanted her to help others.  In the process of discernment, she realized that she had been blessed…

A Message from Fr. Chris

We are All called to Evangelize… The Church exists purely for the mission of evangelizing. In other words, to evangelize is the nature and character of the Church. This mission belongs not only to the ordained Ministers but to all baptized.  At the beginning of Christ’s Ministry, He appointed twelve apostles to assist him in…