A Message from Fr. Chris

We are All called to Evangelize… The Church exists purely for the mission of evangelizing. In other words, to evangelize is the nature and character of the Church. This mission belongs not only to the ordained Ministers but to all baptized.  At the beginning of Christ’s Ministry, He appointed twelve apostles to assist him in…

A Message from Fr. Chris

Thank you, St. Simon Pastor and Parishioners. I arrived back at St. Simon Church Saturday morning, June 25th, after a month of vacation. Most of the time was spent in my home country, Nigeria. I had not visited Nigeria for two and half years, partly due to Covid-19 Pandemic, so it was enjoyable to be…

Sixth Sunday of Lent

As I begin this eBulletin article, I want to thank Kim Karmirantzos for her hard work and dedication to our Parish in her role as Pastoral Associate for Community Engagement and Communications. She has done a fantastic job over the years and worked especially hard over the last two years during the COVID pandemic. She…