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Rummage Sale
We look forward to seeing many volunteers for the return of our Rummage Sale! This is a wonderful outreach service as we re-sell items at a reasonable price and we give items to charities who need them. Together, our community is caring for God’s creation by re-using, re-cycling and re-purposing items. Below is a list…
Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Tijuana Update
As I write this eBulletin article, I am closing the day of work on Thursday in Tijuana for our mission trip here with 35 other missionaries of which eleven are from St. Simon Parish. It has been an amazing experience since we arrived here. Each day brings its own graces where we experienced Christ in…
Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
It was such a joy to have our Vacation Bible School (VBS) in session this week with over 125 children in attendance along with 60 counselors from 7th-8th grades and our high school core team. The buzz on campus was wonderful and they learned all about how to let Jesus’ light shine in their hearts…