SVdP Thanks the St. Simon Community

Thank You Thank You!! The members of St. Vincent de Paul would like to graciously thank you for all the donations we received to help others during this Christmas season.  Your generosity is overwhelming! Thank you to all of the school families who helped donate gift cards and money for the Giving Tree project.  Also,…

Fourth Sunday of Advent

As I write this bulletin article, my room is full of cards, flowers and baked goods from families and parishioners of St. Simon Church and School.  Also, my inbox is full of countless emails. The outpouring of love since the loss of my brother, Paul, and my spiritual director, Fr. Dave, has left me speechless.…

Second Sunday of Advent

As you already know this week has been a difficult week for me. On Monday night my mentor-friend and spiritual director, Fr. Dave Ayotte, died after a yearlong battle with pancreatic cancer. Then on Tuesday afternoon, after a 6+ month battle with pancreatic cancer, my closest brother and best friend, Paul died. It was the…

First Sunday of Advent

I hope you had some quality time with family and friends over the Thanksgiving holidays celebrating the many gifts we share as a nation, as families and as a community. It has been a strange and difficult year with the pandemic lingering longer than anyone would have guessed and the long-term effects of this pandemic…

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Times

As you might remember from the retreat on the Eucharist we just completed that one of the important aspects of the liturgy of the Eucharist is music. It is not just an optional element but a constitutive element of the whole liturgy. While we have four processional songs (gathering, preparation, communion, and recessional) music is…