Parish Fall BBQ 2021

We are COMPLETELY SOLD OUT.       St. Simon Parish Life Group is kicking off the school year with the popular Fall BBQ. Saturday, September 11, 2021   6:00 – 9:00 pm Live DJ with guest appearance by Mr. Passalacqua! We will be honoring S. Rebecca’s 40th Anniversary as a Sister. Please stop by her table…

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

THE COVID-19 -PANDEMIC AND SILVER LINING IN ST. SIMON COMMUNITY By Fr. Christopher Bologo INTRODUCTION: The havoc Covid-19 pandemic has caused the world is unimaginable. By my calculation, it will take five to ten years for the full impact of the pandemic to be known. The damage is to the economy, people’s spiritual lives, politics,…

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry   The Prayer Shawl Ministry (PSM)  is knitting and crocheting away. The mission of the Prayer Shawl Ministry is to provide hope, comfort, and healing. It is a unique way of reaching out to the community in a very tactile way. A prayer shawl can be seen as a symbolic “hug” from God.  It is made with…

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Tijuana Ministry Update – July 2021 St. Simon Parish has traveled with the Tijuana Ministry immersion mission program for ten years.  About 350 members from our parish, along with others throughout our Diocese, have traveled to the La Morita area on the far outskirts of Tijuana where we encounter, serve, and work with the poorest…

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

As I head out on vacation and celebrate my first-year anniversary, I wanted to thank you again for a wonderful year as your pastor. The more I reflect on this last year, the more I am amazed at what we accomplished together. It has been truly a blessing. From the multiple iterations of Mass, inside…

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

There are times in our lives when we need inspiration to live closer to Christ’s call to love. One way to be inspired is to go on pilgrimage. A pilgrimage is a journey to a sacred place to deepen our faith through prayer and experience. People have been taking pilgrimages for centuries and they have…