Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Last weekend, we had over 250 people join us for our first annual St. Simon Parish Retreat, “Rekindle Your Spirit.” It was a wonderful weekend of energizing music, enriching sessions, and nourishing spaces for prayer throughout the campus. We were joined by Catholic composers and musicians, Francesca LaRosa, and Meredith Augustin. While we have not…

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In Sunday’s gospel we hear the Jewish leaders, the Pharisees, and Sadducees, who are trying yet again to catch Jesus at something to prosecute him. While their question, “What is the greatest command?” was meant to be a trick question, Jesus answered the way any good Jew would have answered. It is called Shema law,…

Rekindle Your Spirit Retreat

St. Simon hosted it’s first parish wide retreat, “Rekindle Your Spirit” on Friday, October 27 and Saturday, October 28, 2023. The retreat was held on campus giving attendees time and space to nourish their soul and spirit. Fr. Brendan was joined by Catholic composers and musicians, Francesca LaRosa and Meredith Augustin. The retreat session handouts…

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Last weekend we announced the first annual St. Simon Retreat. It is my hope that this becomes an annual opportunity for all parishioners to deepen their faith in God and grow in relationship with Jesus. Many parishioners after Sunday Masses asked me what exactly this retreat is about, and why they should attend. So, what…