Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Living (SEEL) is a transformative program rooted in the Spiritual Exercises developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola. This program is designed to help participants deepen their relationship with God through daily prayer, reflection, and spiritual guidance. Benefits to participating in this program:

  1. Deepening Faith: Engaging in SEEL can profoundly deepen one’s faith by fostering a more intimate and personal relationship with God. Participants often experience a renewed sense of purpose and direction in their spiritual lives.
  2. Personal Transformation: The exercises encourage self-reflection and personal growth. Participants often find clarity on life issues, healing from past wounds, and a greater sense of peace and fulfillment.
  1. Strengthening Community Bonds: Through group meetings and shared experiences, SEEL helps build stronger connections within the church community. This camaraderie can lead to lasting friendships and a more cohesive, supportive faith community.
  1. Practical Spiritual Integration: SEEL teaches participants to integrate their faith into everyday life, making spirituality a living and active part of their daily routines. This practical approach helps individuals live out their faith in concrete ways.
  1. Guided Spiritual Direction: The one-on-one spiritual direction ensures that participants receive personalized support and guidance. This mentorship is invaluable in navigating the spiritual exercises and understanding one’s unique spiritual path.

By participating in SEEL, members of the St. Simon Parish community can embark on a meaningful journey that enhances their spiritual lives, fosters personal growth, and strengthens their bonds with one another and with God. The program is an opportunity to explore faith more deeply and integrate spiritual practices into everyday living, enriching both individual and communal spiritual experiences.

For more information, please contact Clare D’Agostino, Pastoral Associate for Spirituality & Faith Formation.

Email: seel@stsimon.org