Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

It is hard to believe but school is starting this week for many schools including our own SaintSimon Parish School. Summers seem to be getting shorter! I remember when school started after Labor Day weekend but alas that is years ago. Nevertheless, it is exciting to have the school back and see all the students…

A Message from Fr. Thuc

A few weeks ago, after one of the Sunday Masses, a parishioner came to me expressing her desire to be a greeter at Mass.  She shared with me that for a while she had discerned that God really wanted her to help others.  In the process of discernment, she realized that she had been blessed…

A Message from Fr. Chris

We are All called to Evangelize… The Church exists purely for the mission of evangelizing. In other words, to evangelize is the nature and character of the Church. This mission belongs not only to the ordained Ministers but to all baptized.  At the beginning of Christ’s Ministry, He appointed twelve apostles to assist him in…

A Message from Fr. Chris

Thank you, St. Simon Pastor and Parishioners. I arrived back at St. Simon Church Saturday morning, June 25th, after a month of vacation. Most of the time was spent in my home country, Nigeria. I had not visited Nigeria for two and half years, partly due to Covid-19 Pandemic, so it was enjoyable to be…

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

I want to begin this eBulletin with a huge thank you to Tamami Honma for all her hard work in recruiting and preparing all the bands, musicians, and singers for last week’s Concert for Peace. It was simply a fantastic concert on every level. I cannot say enough about the San Francisco Brass Band and…