Ascension Sunday

This week has been another shock to our system as we heard the horrifying news of the massacre of 21 innocent children and teachers in Robb Elementary School, Uvalde, Texas. It is devastating to watch the damage done to that whole community. Our hearts and prayers go out to the families of those who were…

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Over the last few days, the Mental Health Ministry team called Hope & Wellness Ministry and Michelle Nealon, Joan Mibach, and I attended the first National Catholic Mental Health Conference at the Jesuit Retreat House, Los Altos. It was an excellent conference, and I am sure that I will be preaching and teaching more about…

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Last week all the priests of the Diocese of San Jose gathered in San Juan Bautista for our Annual Clergy Study Week. It is always good for us to take time away and engage in some formation as priests. It is  the only time every year that we get to spend time together in fellowship.…

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Celebrating Mother’s Day is always a wonderful opportunity to express our affection for our mothers and demonstrate our love for them if they are still alive. But it can also be a difficult day if we have a broken relationship with our mother as it seems everyone else is celebrating a harmonious relationship. It can…

Third Sunday of Easter

I am currently reading a book by the great Irish poet and theologian, John O’Donohue called “Beauty” and it speaks of how we can discover divine beauty in all things. At this time of year when spring is unfolding its grandeur, there is so much beauty to be seen that it is not hard to…

Second Sunday of Easter

After a week of incarceration and isolation in my room, I finally tested negative for Covid-19 and I am on the mend. While my energy is not 100% yet, I am feeling much better and I am back to quasi-normal. Thank you for your prayers. I will continue to take it easy for a few…

Easter Sunday

For the last several weeks I have given the retreat, From Here to Eternity: How to Live and Die Well. Through those sessions I explored in detail what our faith tells us about what happens when we die and indeed what happens in the dying process. I outlined the needs of the dying and how…

Sixth Sunday of Lent

As I begin this eBulletin article, I want to thank Kim Karmirantzos for her hard work and dedication to our Parish in her role as Pastoral Associate for Community Engagement and Communications. She has done a fantastic job over the years and worked especially hard over the last two years during the COVID pandemic. She…

Fifth Sunday of Lent

On Tuesday, we continued with our Lenten retreat called From Here to Eternity: How to Live and Die Well. During this third session, I again talked about death as the birthing process into eternal life and our roles as midwives to our loved ones. To this well, we need to know more about the dying…

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Last Tuesday, we continued our Lenten retreat called From Here to Eternity: How to Live and Die Well. During this second session, I emphasized that death is more a birth into eternal life than the end of our earthly life. As such, then our role as disciples of Christ is to help those dying to…