Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Finally, we received some good news from the State and County government about the COVID-19 restrictions effective June 15, 2021. Most of California has returned to the lowest yellow tier allowing us to return inside for worship more fully. Consequently, I am delighted to say effective June 15, we will move all daily Masses (6:30am…

Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity

This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, and we try to say something about the doctrine of the Trinity. I believe that Hilary of Poitiers said it best when he spoke about how the Church “defines” the Most Holy Trinity as attempting to define something that is it not containable in…

Pentecost Sunday

On Thursday, May 20, 2021 the Jesuits began a celebration recognizing the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius’ conversion experience and the start of the Jesuits as we know them. It marks the beginning of a yearlong celebration of the Society of Jesuits and the contributions they have made to society and the Church.   On…

7th Sunday of Easter

The priests of the parish just arrived back from San Juan Bautista after spending the week with all the clergy of the diocese for our Annual Clergy Study Week. This was the first time we have gathered as clergy in over 17 months and it was a great week for all of us. We needed…

6th Sunday of Easter

On Thursday, I visited the pre-K at the school, and I read a book to the students and their mothers. The children’s book was called “Love You Forever” by Robert Munsch and beautifully illustrated by Sheila McGraw. I had never read it before and I was not prepared for the ending; I cried like a…

5TH Sunday of Easter

Recently I read an article from Fr. Ron Rolheiser speaking about anger and how prevalent it is in our society today. He says, “That most of us operate, however unconsciously, out of anger and this shows itself in our constant criticism of others, in our cynicism, in our jealousy of others, in our bitterness, and…

3rd Sunday of Easter

In our culture we have an abundance. We have so many things at our disposal that it can be hard to know what to pay attention to. Even within one of these many things we can be inundated with choices. A great example is sports: we have an abundance of choices depending on our inclination…

Second Sunday of Easter

The mystics maintain that there are two primary paths of transformation in this life. The first is the path of prayer and love and the second is the path of suffering. Most people want the first path but get the second path. Unfortunately, most of us are not well equipped to respond to the path…