Seventh Sunday of Easter

This Sunday, we gather to celebrate a pivotal moment in our faith: the Ascension of the Lord. This event marks not just a physical ascent but a profound transformation within the early Church. The days from the Resurrection to the Ascension were charged with awe, as the disciples experienced the joy of Christ’s presence anew.…


When we feel loved for who we are, and not what we do or what we have or what we look like, it changes us inside. When someone loves us deeply and we feel it inside, it changes our whole world! We gain a self-security that changes us forever. We stand taller, we talk more…

Fifth Sunday of Easter

It’s an exciting day at St. Simon! Later today, Bishop Oscar Cantú will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with the teens of St. Simon Parish. It will be a wonderful moment of grace in their lives. I am deeply grateful to the hundreds of you that took the time to write a personal note to…

Fourth Sunday of Easter

This weekend as we gather to celebrate and reflect, we are called to focus on the beautiful imagery of Christ as our Good Shepherd. The Gospel of John reminds us that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who knows His sheep intimately and calls us each by name. In a world brimming with distractions, His voice…

Third Sunday of Easter

As we gather on this Third Sunday of Easter, we continue to celebrate the joyous season that illuminates the mighty works of God through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I continue to hear from parishioners how much they loved the Holy Week celebrations and Easter itself. It was so very memorable and meaningful for me,…

Second Sunday of Easter

As we gather this Divine Mercy Sunday, on the octave of Easter, our hearts are filled with immense joy and gratitude. Last week, our celebration of Easter Masses was a truly inspiring testament to the vibrancy and faith of our community. The sight of our church filled to the brim, with not a single seat…

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

As we gather this Passion Sunday, also known as Palm Sunday, we immerse ourselves in the profound mysteries of our faith, marking the beginning of Holy Week. This year, through the lens of Mark’s Gospel (Mark 14:1—15:47), we are invited to contemplate the dramatic journey of Jesus—from His triumphant entry into Jerusalem to His crucifixion.…

Fifth Sunday of Lent

The great Catholic theologian and philosopher Bernard Lonergan suggested that the human soul does not come into the world as a tabla rasa, a pure, clean sheet of paper onto which anything can be written. Rather, we are born with first principles indelibly stamped inside our souls.  Fr. Ron Rolhesier states that “classical theology and philosophy name…

Fourth Sunday of Lent

As we journey through the season of Lent, the Fourth Sunday offers us profound insights into the nature of God’s love and the essence of our Christian calling. This year, Cycle B readings illuminate our path with themes of reconciliation, love, and the transformative power of light in our lives. They seemed to flow straight…