Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

It was such a joy to have our Vacation Bible School (VBS) in session this week with over 125 children in attendance along with 60 counselors from 7th-8th grades and our high school core team. The buzz on campus was wonderful and they learned all about how to let Jesus’ light shine in their hearts…

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In Sunday’s first reading, Jeremiah is struggling with where the Lord is in his life as it seems that all his enemies are delighting in his demise. Finally, after a dialogue with God in which God reviews with Jeremiah his presence always, he concludes that “The LORD is with me, like a mighty champion.” It…

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Most elementary and high schools finished classes over the last two weeks and now universities and colleges are finishing up too. It is a welcome change of pace for many as we head into the summer months. Most of us are ready for the change and eagerly anticipate a vacation of some sort or at…