Holy Week Schedule
Holy Week Schedule 2023 Final
Learn about Shower Van Pop Up HERE Learn about Casa de Clara HERE Learn about Afghan Refugees HERE
We would like to partner with BASICS (Brothers and Sisters in Community Service), Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County,and ex-Village House volunteers to offer a shower service for the homeless and unhoused at Our Lady of Refuge Church in San Jose on Thursdays, from 1 PM to 4 PM each week. Each week the “Shower…
The St. Simon Parish Outreach and Social Justice Council has two opportunities for our parishioners to provide service to others in our local community. Come and help us make a difference! These are wonderful opportunities to serve our community as a family or fulfill service hours as a student. We need help to open a shelter…
Over the next week, Catholic Charities will be resettling 5 Afghan families. These are refugees who were forced to evacuate Afghanistan after the collapse of the former government. All of these families were targeted by the Taliban for the support that they provided to the United States military over the last 20 years. Some of…
STATIONS OF THE CROSS In Person, St. Simon Church 6:00-6:30, Fridays March 4, 11, 18, 25 April 1 On April 8 – Living Way at 6:30 p.m. (soup from 6:00 – 6:30 p.m.) Please join us immediately following the Stations of the Cross for vegetarian soup provided by the following groups: …
Faith is a choice, not something that can be forced. Come and let your soul be fed through song and stories of how faith matters in the real world.
OFFICE OF THE BISHOP Brothers and Sisters in the Diocese of San José, Since the time of Adam and Eve, suffering has been part of the human experience. The pandemic has certainly added a great deal of suffering worldwide. As we understand in our faith, suffering will never be eliminated completely until Jesus Christ returns;…
The WOMAN AT THE WELL ….AN AMAZING LENTEN CONVERSATION March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st April 7th on Zoom 9:15am-10:15am (On Zoom) REGISTER HERE Her relationship with Jesus transitioned 5 times just in that one conversation….from calling Him “a Jew” to “Sir” to “a Prophet” to “the Messiah” to “the “Man who told me everything” I…
February 6 is Scout Sunday or Scouting Anniversary Day which is the primary date to recognize the contributions of young people and adults to Scouting. Here in the St. Simon Community, we have 4 Scouting groups – Cub Scouts (Pack 103), Boy Scouts (Troop 103), Family Scouts (Troop 4103) and Girl Scouts (Troop 62882). We…