Advent Wreath Making!
SOLD OUT!!! No more available this year!
Join Fr. Brendan & Christine Moore (certified sommelier & co-owner of Teac Mor Vineyards) for an evening of faith sharing, gratitude and great wine! Special Guest: Rob Jensen of Testarossa Winery Date: Saturday, November 20 Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m. Place: Zoom (link will be sent in advance) Cost: $100 (cost includes price of wine & a…
Schedule for Talks, Discussions and Follow up: 2021-2022 Parent-Adult Professional Series Calendar & Topics Parent/Adult Professional Series Sponsored by the Catholic Community Foundation & St. Simon Church Parent Sessions Concurrent with the Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) on Sundays: 10:15-11:05 AM ALL ARE WELCOME! No cost to participate*Participate in person at St. Simon Church in the…
Many, many people over the years have worked behind the scenes to keep our church environment visually appealing. One day, I found one of our new recruits planting and arranging. Thank you for the Fall arrangements we are enjoying Michelle Higgins! St. Simon is blessed with many volunteers that share their time, talent and…
October 3, 2021 – Week 5 What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up? … When we ask ourselves what kind of world we want to leave behind, we think in the first place of its general direction, its meaning and…
We are COMPLETELY SOLD OUT. St. Simon Parish Life Group is kicking off the school year with the popular Fall BBQ. Saturday, September 11, 2021 6:00 – 9:00 pm Live DJ with guest appearance by Mr. Passalacqua! We will be honoring S. Rebecca’s 40th Anniversary as a Sister. Please stop by her table…
MS-YM Volunteer opportunities We are looking for 2-3 more people to join our St Simon Middle School Youth Ministry core team. The only requirement is a desire to build our parish and future church through forming our youth in the faith. We meet twice per month as a core team for an hour or so to…
Prayer Shawl Ministry The Prayer Shawl Ministry (PSM) is knitting and crocheting away. The mission of the Prayer Shawl Ministry is to provide hope, comfort, and healing. It is a unique way of reaching out to the community in a very tactile way. A prayer shawl can be seen as a symbolic “hug” from God. It is made with…
Volunteers Needed at Food Distribution Site Due to COVID-19, Catholic Charities and Second Harvest of Silicon Valley are distributing food to over 2,000 vulnerable families per week at 6 Parish Drive-Thru Sites in the diocese. The closest site to St. Simon’s is at St. Athanasius in Mountain View, where food distribution occurs on the 2nd…