Most elementary and high schools finished classes over the last two weeks and now universities and colleges are finishing up too. It is a welcome change of pace for many as we head into the summer months. Most of us are ready for the change and eagerly anticipate a vacation of some sort or at the very least a change in role from studying and working to playing or simply resting. As my father used to say often, “a change is as good as a break.” So, let’s welcome the change!


This change of season is a small shift in our lives but depending on how we handle it can be reenergizing or challenging. I encourage all of us to see these little changes of seasons as a small way to embrace larger changes in our lives. There is an old adage that I find to be particularly true: There is only one constant in life and that is change!  So, let’s welcome the change!


Since it is Father’s Day this weekend, I want to share some wisdom my father gave me many years ago about change and problems that come our way. He believed that in every situation, positive or negative, God has a way to make it positive growth for us, but we must let God lead us to that pathway and not force our way. He truly lived that reality in his life too.


I remember once when the tractor and plow he hired to plow some of our bogland (swampy peat soil land) went down into the bog hole and he was devastated. He would have to pay a large amount of money to get it salvaged and then the land would not get plowed, and he could not get the grant to plant the forest he had hoped. His response was classic Dad: “I do not understand why the Lord allowed this to happen, but I trust he has a plan and something good can happen here. I just need to watch and listen for his next cue.” I was shocked how he took the news as I watched the tractor sink into the bog!


My father was a forestry inspector and the next Monday, there was a company from Scotland with an adapted tractor that claimed to float on the bogland trying to sell the Department of Forestry their new machine. Nobody had heard of such a thing and since he had a tractor stuck in his bog, he asked if they could pull it out to demonstrate its capability. They agreed and across the bogland this tractor floated its way and pulled the other tractor out to safety. Everyone was in awe! Then the man driving the tractor said, “Sure! While I am here, why don’t I plow the land.” Off went the tractor for an hour and the whole bog was plowed! I watched the whole thing in complete awe as my dad said, “See I told you something good would come of this moment. Trust in God.” So, let’s welcome change and trust in God!


People tell us that change is good for humans as it keeps us growing. I suppose that is true, but it doesn’t always feel that way in the moment. However, if we can take my father’s advice, trust in God and cooperate with God’s grace then we will find something positive in store for us. Trust in God for the good to happen!


In this weekend’s gospel, we hear that the twelve disciples were chosen by Christ to be his apostles, sent out into the world to spread the word and they had no idea what was ahead of them. They had to trust in God for the good to happen. 2,000 years later, billions of people have heard the message of Jesus, believe in the love of God and follow their way to God and his plan for them. So yes, welcome the change and let’s trust in God this summer of little or large changes.


Happy Father’s Day to all the dads in our community and those who acted as fathers to us. May God bless you for always trusting in God’s grace to make good of all things. May your children spoil you for a day and love you forever.


God Bless,


Fr. Brendan