Last weekend was an incredible weekend of community, ministry, and music. Francesca LaRosa and John Angotti gave a fantastic concert on Friday night with over 400 people present. Everyone was singing their hearts out and it was a wonderful celebration of faith! On Saturday morning, they gave a wonderful workshop that engaged nearly 100 cantors and musicians from all over the Diocese of San Jose. They learnt techniques and new songs, singing from their hearts and through the grace of the Holy Spirit. It was a very spiritual workshop that filled our souls. We look forward to John Angotti’s return next month with the musical production of JOB: The Now Testament on May 19 and 20 with a professional cast from New York City and Los Angeles and students from the Parish and School. We are very excited about it – it’s going to be another amazing weekend. Please invite your friends and families. Book your tickets early as we expect to be sold out, it’s free for children under 18 and $20 for adults. You can reserve your tickets here


I am deeply grateful for the many people who made last weekend’s events so successful. I am thankful to all the pastoral staff for their efforts in organizing, welcoming, and hosting so many events in such a short period. In particularly, I am grateful for John and Will Kellett; Tamami and her children Sam and Annie, and her friend Julian, as well as the whole adult choir; Jed de Torres who introduced the parish to Francesca’s music; Jurgen, Tim and all the tech support for getting all the AV & sound working so well; Rachel and all her communication efforts to get so many at the concert; Clare, Donna, Joan, Erika and all the welcoming committee volunteers who hosted everyone so well. It takes a huge team of people to pull off such a successful weekend of ministry and I am extremely appreciative to everyone for their efforts.


Speaking of community and working together, this Saturday and Sunday we will be celebrating First Communion for over 50 young boys and girls. It will be an exciting time for their families, and we want all parishioners to celebrate in that joy. Please make every effort to reach out to the visiting families and welcome them to St. Simon and maybe even let them have your seat in the pews! Congratulate them on their child’s First Eucharist and say some encouraging words to the children and their families. A special thanks to Sr. Mary-Han and all the teachers, assistants and volunteers who have prepared the children and passionately teach them each Sunday. You can view the program and prayer on our First Holy Communion page here.


I recall the days of COVID when we had no children coming to Church at all and how terribly sad that was for me. The Church felt so hollow! It has been such a joy to hear the sounds and cries of children again. I love the “noise of children” as it tells me that the Church is alive again. Thank you to all the parents who make so much effort to get the children to Church and please be assured we love your children and all the sounds they make.


This weekend, with the children celebrating First Communion, we all celebrate that we become what we receive, the Body of Christ broken for others, the Blood of Christ poured out for others. That is a tall order, and it can only happen in community. These words are meant to be lived and not just spoken and the children will rely on us as witnesses.


In the gospel of John, we hear Jesus say, “I AM the way, the truth and the life.” Jesus claims “I AM” seven times. This phrase recalls the name God gives himself when asked by Moses who should he tell Pharoah when asked. Seven is not a chance number, it is deliberate by St. John as it is the “whole number”, 4 being the earthly number and 3 being the divine number, making seven the whole number including all of heaven and earth. Those seven times we have heard many of them in the last few weeks:

  1. I AM the bread life,
  2. I AM the light of the world,
  3. I AM the gate,
  4. I AM the Good Shepherd,
  5. I AM the resurrection and the life,
  6. I AM the way, the truth, and the life,
  7. I AM the vine.


The Pharisees and religious leaders of that time found Jesus’ claim to be “I AM” as heresy and they set out to kill him. However, His disciples saw his claim as a reminder that he was God and their messiah. It was also a reminder of their call to follow him in the same way. Now we are called to be all of these in the world today. We are called to be this living Body of Christ alive today. While we cannot be all of these all of the time, when we receive the Body and Blood of Christ each Sunday, we are called to live at least one of these seven “I AM.”


So, this weekend, we witness to the First Communion children, to be the great I AM among us. Let us choose at least one of the seven “I AM” to be in our world today. We can be the bread of life broken for others in service of their needs; the light of the world for others to see our faith in action; the gate that protects them from harm; the good shepherd that leads others to good pastures; the resurrection and life that convinces others that eternal life is real; the way, the truth and the life that leads to all goodness, truth and beauty; the vine that keeps others connected to God the source of all life. Together we participate in the great “I AM” and reveal the glory of God.


God bless,


Fr. Brendan