It’s an exciting day at St. Simon! Later today, Bishop Oscar Cantú will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with the teens of St. Simon Parish. It will be a wonderful moment of grace in their lives. I am deeply grateful to the hundreds of you that took the time to write a personal note to congratulate them and encourage them in their journey of faith.


This sacred rite marks a pivotal moment in their spiritual journey. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to each of these young individuals and their families. Their commitment and enthusiasm for their faith inspire us all. Let us continue to support and pray for them as they grow in the Spirit and integrate more deeply into the life of our Church.


Next weekend brings yet another joyous occasion for our community as we celebrate the First Eucharist for our second graders. This is a special occasion not only for those receiving their first communion and their families but for all of us as we see our faith being passed onto the next generation. Wow! What a great gift to witness! I always love these celebrations.


As we prepare to welcome the families and friends of these young communicants, let us remember the importance of being a warm and welcoming community. A smile, a helpful gesture, or a kind word can make a significant difference in making everyone feel at home in our parish. Celebrating the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation in our young people is a great joy and a vivid reminder of the vibrant future of our Church.


These celebrations are not only milestones for the individuals involved but also moments that invigorate the faith of our whole community. Witnessing our young parishioners take these steps in their spiritual lives enriches and deepens our own faith and commitment. Let us come together with open hearts and joyful spirits to support our youth as they continue this blessed journey of faith.


As we celebrate these new beginnings, let us also embrace the invitation to deepen our own connection to Christ. Our relationship with Jesus is the source of our strength and the foundation of our community. In this Sunday’s Gospel (John 15:1-8), Jesus reminds us, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” This message resonates profoundly as we reflect on our young people stepping forward in faith. Like branches on the vine of Christ, we are called to draw nourishment from our Lord, which sustains and empowers us to reach out into our world with love, service, and witness.


For those of you who have or know teens, I would like to highlight an upcoming opportunity: the Diocesan Youth Retreat (DYR) in beautiful Lake Tahoe. Our Youth Minister, Kalena and I have committed to attending this 5-day retreat in Tahoe and want to invite all our young teens to join us. This annual  retreat is a cornerstone event for the young people within our diocese, offering them a chance to meet and share experiences with peers from across the county. The DYR provides a unique environment where our youth can deepen their faith, participate in worship, and engage in meaningful discussions—all within the scenic tranquility of Lake Tahoe. I have gone on this retreat for 20+ years and led it many times as a speaker. It is a powerful five days away in growing our faith.  It changes lives! I strongly encourage you to invite, cajole, or convince your teen to join us! I promise you it will make an impact in their life forever.


The power of a personal invitation cannot be overstated, whether it comes from peers, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, or family friends. Encouraging our teenagers to attend this retreat can have a transformative impact on their spiritual life. Participation in DYR not only strengthens their individual faith journey but also enhances their sense of belonging and identity within the broader church community. Let us support our youth in seizing this wonderful opportunity to grow closer to God and each other in a setting of natural beauty and spiritual nourishment.


I have said this to parents at all ages—the best gift you can give your child is a relationship with Jesus Christ. So please invite them to come with us. If cost is an issue, I have a parishioner who has offered to pay for your child because their child went many years ago and it transformed their faith for life. So please invite them now and register soon — next weekend is the last opportunity to register. We truly want your teen to experience this with us. All the information is here and you can register here.


Don’t miss out on our next parish musical event! I encourage you to again join us for John Angotti’s musical JOB: The NOW Testament on May 10th and 11th. Both nights are free for youth and only $20 per adult. We expect each night to fill up so please book early to ensure you experience this powerful musical filled with amazing talent, sharing the powerful story of faith through the art of music and story.


Please invite someone to join you and share the gift of this story not only to inspire them but to witness the gospel story of God’s love for us all. We need to share and express to all how much God loves us, and this is an easy way to get the message across. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors! Offer to buy the tickets for them—it will be a gift of love to them. Let’s fill the house both nights. You can buy tickets here.


As our youth celebrate Confirmation this weekend and First Eucharist next weekend, let us reflect on the profound teachings of John’s Gospel and may we all, regardless of age, find renewed vigor in our connection to the vine, embracing its timeless wisdom as we journey forward together.


God bless,

Fr. Brendan