As we gather together this Thanksgiving, our hearts are filled with gratitude for the countless blessings bestowed upon us by our loving and merciful God. We are reminded to cultivate a spirit of gratitude not only for the bountiful harvest on our tables but also for the abundant love, grace, and companionship that surround us daily.

At the core of our Thanksgiving celebration is the acknowledgment of God’s boundless generosity. As we sit down with our loved ones to share a meal, let us take a moment to bow our heads in prayer, expressing profound gratitude for the providence that sustains us. In the midst of our busy lives, it’s essential to pause and reflect on the countless gifts we receive from our Heavenly Father – the gift of life, the beauty of creation, and the unwavering presence of God in our journey.

In Psalm 107:1, we are reminded, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” Our gratitude to God is not only an expression of appreciation but also an affirmation of our faith. This Thanksgiving, let us strengthen our connection with the Divine, recognizing that every good and perfect gift comes from above (James 1:17).

Thanksgiving is a time to cherish the warmth and joy that family brings into our lives. Our families are a precious gift, a haven of love, support, and shared memories. As we gather around the table, may we appreciate the unique role each family member plays in the tapestry of our lives. St. Paul reminds us often to be encouraged to “let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”

Gratitude for our families extends beyond the festive meal. It is a recognition of the sacrifices made, the love shared, and the bond that unites us. This Thanksgiving, take a moment to express your gratitude to each family member, acknowledging their presence as a reflection of God’s love in your life.

In addition to our families, friends play a significant role in shaping our lives. As Proverbs reminds us, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Friends are the companions who walk alongside us in our faith journey, offering support, encouragement, and laughter. This Thanksgiving, let us express our heartfelt thanks for the friends who enrich our lives and strengthen our spirits.

In Silicon Valley where life seems to go at a hectic pact, the value of true friendship is immeasurable. Take a moment to reach out to a friend, sharing your gratitude for their presence in your life. As I challenged you before,  try to call a friend every day and spend 15 minutes listening and chatting to them. In doing so, we not only celebrate the gift of friendship but also become instruments of God’s love in the lives of others. You will create many wonderful memories, giving you memory dividends for years to come.

Finally, we need to be ever aware of the frailty of life. There are several parishioners very ill and fighting for every breath and several others who have recently died. None of them would have believed that last Thanksgiving might have been their last. We never know when the Lord will ask us to come home. So, cherish every moment with family and friends with stories, laughter, tears, and joy. Savor every moment as if it was our last Thanksgiving weekend. Create lots of new memories and live in the present moment.

May our hearts overflow with gratitude to God, for family, and for friends. In the spirit of thanksgiving, let us not only count our blessings but also be a blessing to others. Extend a hand to those in need, share the warmth of hospitality, and embody the love of Christ in all that we do.

May this Thanksgiving be a time of profound gratitude, a celebration of faith, family, and friendship. Let our collective thanksgiving rise like a sweet fragrance to the heavens, pleasing to the One who provides abundantly for His children.

Wishing you all a blessed and joy-filled Thanksgiving!

God Bless,

Fr. Brendan