Dates: Oct 10, 17, 24 @ 7:00pm-8:30pm,

Via Zoom


Oct. 10:  Cornerstones of Resilience:  Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Acts of Kindness 

Oct. 17: Feeling overwhelmed? Lonely? Blue?  – Learn to Incorporate Meaningful and Positive Activities into your Busy Life 

Oct. 24:  We’re On a Roll:  Let’s Explore Other Ways to Promote Mental Health and Well-Being!

We hope you will sign up for all three meetings!

It will be led by two members of the Hope & Wellness Ministry: Dolores Gallagher Thompson & her husband Larry W. Thompson. Both are psychologists who have been engaged in research and clinical practice at Stanford for many years. They are now semi-retired and strongly committed to promoting mental health and wellness among adults in the Saint Simon parish community.

Each will have a “mini-lecture” where content is presented that is pertinent to the topic, followed by discussion among participants as to how the content applies to them and their lives. Dolores and Larry will facilitate this discussion and will end with “action plans” for how to incorporate what you’ve learned into your daily life. 

There is no charge for this workshop but sign up is required, along with a functional computer and comfort using zoom to communicate.

Note: This is not a “therapy group” but an educational workshop intended to teach evidence-based skills to promote psychological well-being.


We welcome your inquiries if you’re not sure this workshop is for you. You can email us at: or

Hope to see you in October!  Here is the link to sign up for 1, 2 or all 3 of the workshop sessions.