My dear friends of St. Simon Faith Community,

I greet you with the continued joy of Easter, as we are celebrating the risen Christ within our hearts and homes!  It has been my great JOY to be a part of this beautiful community for the past 19 years.

I am feeling the time has now come for my leave-taking from our wonderful St. Simon staff. I have loved all the “knowing, growing and glowing” we have shared these past 19 years, and as a result, I have received a “heart treasure of love” from each one of you! I thank YOU from the fullness of my heart. 

I do know that our “Faith Tapestry” will continue to grow through the coming years with great love, peace and joy, as we continue our awesome weave-making, into this shared tapestry of our lives. I look forward to all our beautiful moments yet to come!

I will be on campus through June 30th, 2022.  I will soon send all the wonderful spiritual sessions and ways (Zoom, too:) I will continue with a new ministry that I am calling: ~ SPIRIT JOY~ the gathering of community, through shared hearts, where all are welcome!

Always loving you, with our loving God, 

your S. Rebecca😊

May 7, 2022