Fifth Sunday of Lent

Many of us have things we would love to do or places we would love to visit. Some of these have not happened because the timing was not right, or we did not have the money. Maybe we have promised ourselves we will do them when the kids have finished college or when we retire.…


Fourth Sunday of Lent

Keeping time…Sacred was indeed what we did at the Lenten retreat that we held this week with John Angotti. While the storms raged in our neighborhood and everyone around us lost power, we were fortunate to have electricity at the parish and so we were able to proceed with a powerful retreat about the preciousness…


ADA Appeal 2023

The programs, services, and ministries supported by the Annual Diocesan Appeal are intended to meet the needs of Catholics here in the Diocese of San José. The Church serves each of us, and our financial support is needed to continue God’s work here in Santa Clara County across 54 parishes and missions. Remember to bring…


Third Sunday of Lent

Last weekend I had the great honor of giving a retreat to one of the largest parishes in the country at American Martyrs Parish, Manhattan Beach, CA. They have over 7,500 parish families, an elementary school of 720 students and six Masses on Sunday. The church is huge with seating capacity of 1,400 and all…


Second Sunday of Lent

According to Henri Nouwen, “Living a spiritual life requires a change of heart, a conversion. Such a conversion may be marked by a sudden inner change, or it can take place through a long, quiet process of transformation. But it always involves an inner experience of oneness. We realize that we are in the center,…


First Sunday of Lent

I have two friends who have a really bad sense of direction. They could drive out of their home garage, take a left turn, and be immediately lost! Seriously! It is extraordinary.    However, they both deal with it differently. One never admits he is lost and keeps driving. He takes a left turn, then…


St Patrick’s Day Dinner 2023

This event has sold out. Please call the Parish Office if you have questions. Ph: 650 880 1041. Thank you. Please note: Bishop Cantú has granted to the faithful of the Diocese of San Jose, as well as to any visitors or travelers who may be physically present within the territory of this diocese, a…
