32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this Sunday’s gospel, we find ourselves in the temple with Jesus, who observes the quiet but profound actions of a widow giving her last two coins. Jesus “sees” her, not only noticing the small offering she places into the treasury but also witnessing her deep faith and courage. This widow, like many in her…


30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this Sunday’s Gospel, we encounter Bartimaeus, the blind man who cries out to Jesus, “Master, I want to see!” His plea for physical sight resonates deeply with our spiritual condition. Like Bartimaeus, we, too, are often blind—not in the physical sense, but spiritually. We stumble through life distracted by our busyness, unable to see…


27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The pilgrims arrived back this week tired but on fire with their faith a little more. We truly had an amazing trip, and we visited many incredible sites. In Istanbul, we continued to pilgrim in St. Paul’s footsteps. Istanbul, once known as Constantinople, was built by the emperor Constantine to give a notably city for…
