CFF Liturgy of the Light Award Appreciation Ceremony, 2021-22 School Year
Children’s Faith Formation celebrated their end of year classes last weekend following the Sunday 9am Mass with a “Liturgy of the Light Award and Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony” in the Parish Center. Families joined together afterwards for an afternoon of games and pot-luck BBQ lunch! It was a beautiful afternoon of family, fun and Faith! We…
DetailsThird Sunday of Easter
I am currently reading a book by the great Irish poet and theologian, John O’Donohue called “Beauty” and it speaks of how we can discover divine beauty in all things. At this time of year when spring is unfolding its grandeur, there is so much beauty to be seen that it is not hard to…
Out of an abundance of caution, we will be limiting the 2022 trip to house construction only. Read more below about how this trip changes lives and communities, including ours! For questions email Joan Mibach here or visit BASICS website here. You can APPLY NOW online. Here is some information about the two families we will…
DetailsSecond Sunday of Easter
After a week of incarceration and isolation in my room, I finally tested negative for Covid-19 and I am on the mend. While my energy is not 100% yet, I am feeling much better and I am back to quasi-normal. Thank you for your prayers. I will continue to take it easy for a few…
DetailsSt Simon First Holy Communion Masses – Saturday, April 30th and Sunday, May 1st
St Simon First Holy Communion Masses: Saturday, April 30th 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM; Sunday, May 1st 9:00 AM and 11:15 AM; Father Brendan McGuire, presiding 63 of our St Simon First Eucharist candidates will celebrate their First Holy Communion at masses the weekend of April 30th & May 1st. Please pray for them and…
DetailsSt Simon Teen Confirmation mass – Saturday, April 23rd – Bishop Oscar Cantu presiding
St Simon Teen Confirmation Mass – Saturday, April 23rd 5pm – Bishop Oscar Cantu, presiding 57 of our 62 St Simon Teen Confirmation Candidates will celebrate their sacrament of Confirmation at this mass. They and their guests will occupy most of the church pew seating. There will be overflow seating available for parishioners who also…
DetailsEaster Sunday
For the last several weeks I have given the retreat, From Here to Eternity: How to Live and Die Well. Through those sessions I explored in detail what our faith tells us about what happens when we die and indeed what happens in the dying process. I outlined the needs of the dying and how…
DetailsEaster Sunday
For the last several weeks I have given the retreat, From Here to Eternity: How to Live and Die Well. Through those sessions I explored in detail what our faith tells us about what happens when we die and indeed what happens in the dying process. I outlined the needs of the dying and how…
DetailsSixth Sunday of Lent
As I begin this eBulletin article, I want to thank Kim Karmirantzos for her hard work and dedication to our Parish in her role as Pastoral Associate for Community Engagement and Communications. She has done a fantastic job over the years and worked especially hard over the last two years during the COVID pandemic. She…