Fifth Sunday of Lent

The great Catholic theologian and philosopher Bernard Lonergan suggested that the human soul does not come into the world as a tabla rasa, a pure, clean sheet of paper onto which anything can be written. Rather, we are born with first principles indelibly stamped inside our souls.  Fr. Ron Rolhesier states that “classical theology and philosophy name…


Fourth Sunday of Lent

As we journey through the season of Lent, the Fourth Sunday offers us profound insights into the nature of God’s love and the essence of our Christian calling. This year, Cycle B readings illuminate our path with themes of reconciliation, love, and the transformative power of light in our lives. They seemed to flow straight…


Second Sunday of Lent

As we continue our Lenten journey, we are reminded of the importance of deepening our spiritual lives and drawing closer to God. In the Gospel of Mark (Mark 9:2-10), we encounter the transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain. Peter, James, and John are granted a glimpse of Jesus’ divine glory, and they hear the voice…


First Sunday of Lent

As we gather together on this first Sunday of Lent, we embark on a sacred journey marked by reflection, repentance, and renewal. Our Lenten journey began on Ash Wednesday, a solemn day where we received ashes in the shape of the cross on our foreheads, reminding us of our mortality and the need for penance…


Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This weekend, we will celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing at all Masses this weekend. We encourage all parishioners who may need spiritual and physical healing to come forward right after the homily to receive this anointing and prayers from the community. We also ask you to invite any Catholic neighbor or friend who is in…



As we gather on this fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time, we are filled with gratitude for the many blessings that have graced our parish community in recent weeks. We have witnessed the amazing success of the Fr. Murray Basketball Tournament, which not only showcased the talents of our youth but also exemplified the spirit of…
