Jesus Christ is “really,” “truly” and “substantially” present in this sacrament.  This manner of presence “we can scarcely express in words,” but we affirm his presence because we believe in the power of God and the promise of Jesus Christ, “This is my body. . . . This is my blood…”  As long as Christ remains sacramentally present (until the the Priest purifies the Chalice and Paten at the end of communion and until any extra consecrated hosts are returned to the Tabernacle), worship, reverence and adoration are appropriate.  At St Simon Parish, we show our reverence by remaining standing.


If your child younger than 10 years old has not yet prepared for and received the Sacrament of First Eucharist, please visit the Sacramental Preparation section of the Children’s Ministry page to learn more about our Sacramental Preparation Programs for children.  If you or a child older than 10 years old has not yet prepared for and received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, please contact Sr. Mary-Han and she will connect you with the sacramental prep program appropriate for your age and sacramental background. Email:


We affirm that in the sacrament of the Lord’s supper Jesus Christ, true God and true man, is present wholly and entirely, in his body and blood, under the signs of bread and wine.  Christ gave us this sacrament in order that we might receive him and participate in his worship of the Father.