As we continue our Lenten journey, we are reminded of the importance of deepening our spiritual lives and drawing closer to God. In the Gospel of Mark (Mark 9:2-10), we encounter the transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain. Peter, James, and John are granted a glimpse of Jesus’ divine glory, and they hear the voice of God proclaiming, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” This extraordinary experience opens the hearts and minds of the disciples to God’s presence in a new way. They listen attentively to His voice speaking in the depths of their souls and fundamentally see with their hearts as opposed to their minds alone. They were transformed by the experience.


When we experience these moments there is often a shift that takes place within us that is hard to express but it is definite and clear. Some are small moments of kindness or beauty. Others are larger moments of pain or joy. No matter what, we are never the same because of these moments and we live life differently as a result, for good or bad.


Recently I witnessed a young man helping an elderly woman take her groceries to her car. I had assumed that he was her relative but then she turned to him and said, “Well, young man, your parents raised you well, you are the best thing that has happened to me this year. Thank you for your kindness and gentleness. You are amazing.” Then she hugged him and cried out loud. Wow! How can I not be changed by that experience—he was a stranger just helping an elderly person get her groceries and it made a huge impact on her in a positive way.


Now sometimes, we experience profound and difficult moments like breaking up with your first girlfriend or boyfriend. It can be a rupture that scars us, or it can be a moment of grace. Other difficult experiences might be when you or someone you loved was in an accident, seriously injured which then required long therapy and recovery. We rarely are unaffected by such events.


I remember my car accident when I was the driver. I was in South Africa driving back from a rugby game and we hit black ice at night. I lost complete control of the car and veered off the road into woodlands. We spun through a small forest and never hit a single tree! When the tow truck tried to tow us out, it took him 2 hours to maneuver us through the trees.  The tow truck driver said in exasperation, “You must have some serious angels working for you. I have never towed a car out of here with survivors before! Half the trees here have killed multiple people over my years. I hope you use the extension of your life well! You have a second chance to do something meaningful!”


It would not be a surprise to you to say that I never took my life for granted again! Indeed, I started to take God’s invitation to be a priest a little more seriously. Still, it would take me six more years to commit to study in the seminary. Yes, I am a slow learner!

My point of all of this is transformation moments happen to us in large ways but also in small ways. We need to be open to where God is trying to break through. In order to see we need to open the eyes of our hearts and that requires some training and practice.


Last Tuesday I gave the first of our Lenten retreat sessions on “Levels of Prayer.”  I broke open levels 1 & 2 in which we talk to God in ready-made prayers and then talk to God in extemporaneous or spontaneous prayer. It was a wonderful session with interaction between us all and practical ways to develop deeper habits of prayer. We have it on livestream recorded if you would like to catch up, click here. We had over 70 people in person and another 150 have watched it online. I invite you to join us for the second session on Level 3 & 4—listening to God and being with God. In some ways, this is the ultimate goal of prayer, to listen to God, and learn his desire and will for us. It is like putting the ball in the net while playing basketball—it is the whole point of prayer, to listen to God! So come join us on Tuesday, February 27 at 7pm, don’t worry if you missed last week. For those not able to travel here in person, our Livestream channel is here. I look forward to seeing you. Thank you for joining us.


Additionally, Father Kevin O’Brien, SJ, will be leading a retreat titled “Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart” on Monday to Wednesday, March 4th, 5th & 6th at 7pm. Each session will build on the other and all will be livestreamed and recorded.  Father Kevin will offer insights into how we can cultivate a contemplative gaze, allowing us to perceive God’s presence in the world around us and in the depths of our own hearts. This retreat promises to be a profound opportunity for spiritual enrichment and discernment.

During this season of Lent, we are called to see with the eyes of the heart, to look beyond the surface and discern the presence of God in our midst. As we engage in prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, may we open our hearts to God’s transforming grace and allow His love to illuminate our lives.


Finally, I invite you to join me in the information night on the Tijuana mission trip on Wednesday, February 28th at 7pm in the Simon Room. This mission trip is one of those places that has consistently produced experiences of transfiguration and grace. It is a time of grace to see how God sees. I invite you and your family to come and learn more about this mission trip and why it is a good opportunity to get engaged in serving others. You can read more on our website here and will provide more information at the meeting so come with an open heart and your questions!

Let us continue our Lenten journey with faith and hope, trusting in God’s guidance and presence every step of the way.

God bless,


Fr. Brendan