After a week of incarceration and isolation in my room, I finally tested negative for Covid-19 and I am on the mend. While my energy is not 100% yet, I am feeling much better and I am back to quasi-normal. Thank you for your prayers. I will continue to take it easy for a few more days to get my strength back but I confirmed with my Doctor that it will be safe for me to preside this weekend. I am excited to be back, especially as our 8th graders receive their Sacrament of Confirmation this weekend! This past week was a hard week for me – not just because I was feeling unwell physically but the psychological and spiritual impact of being sick during the Triduum and Easter celebrations was hard too. Holy Week is the high point of our liturgical calendar and the apex to which we strive all year. It was profoundly sad to miss it all and not be with you celebrating in person.
This disappointment reminds me of when I hiked up a 14,000 feet mountain in Colorado. I remember spending 8+ hours climbing to the top of this peak, but in the last 30 minutes and just 400 yards from the top, a thunderstorm came in and I had to abandon the peak itself and descend without reaching the peak that day. It was so hard not to get to the top and reach the peak but I realized that safety demanded it that day.
This Easter, I was not able to reach the apex of our Easter Day celebrations with you in person, however I was able to participate via live-stream. I have a whole new appreciation for the value of our live-streaming service, and sympathy for those in our community who live in isolation. Maybe you have a family member, friend or neighbor who is isolated. Think about reaching out to them with a short phone call, text or drop them a note in the mail. It will mean so much to them to know you are thinking of them and praying for them.
I am grateful to so many for the amazing set of liturgies over the week. Thank you to the whole Liturgy team and to:
- Tim Petersen and the Liturgy Tech team for their hard work ensuring all our services were live-streamed
- Tamami Honma and her many cantors, choirs, and musicians for their fantastic music at all liturgies
- Maryann Quincy and the Art & Environment team who did a beautiful job with the environment, changing it multiple times with the help of Victor Ramirez and Baldemar Gody, our Facilities & Maintenance Staff
- David Mendenhall and the Lector team who did an outstanding job with the Good Friday reenactment along with all the other lectoring responsibilities
- Margo Isola and the Eucharistic Ministers as well as Julie Ramirez, Carol Karer & the Altar Servers who did a great job in getting us back to near normal at all Masses
- Most importantly, to Erika Ibarra, Tina Lipscomb and the Mass Coordinators who did a brilliant job in coordinating all the many moving parts with great precision and finesse
- Sr. Rebecca and her RCIA team, Sr. Mary Han and Beth Moeur and their Faith Formation team for the work they did preparing their candidates receiving the sacrament of initiation
- The staff in the background making it all look easy such as Joan, Donna and Rachel.
Finally, I want to thank Fr. Chris and Fr. Thuc for stepping into the major roles of presiding at all the major celebrations. I am very grateful for their support and care in the liturgies and to me personally as I was in isolation. Thank you all for your hard work.
As I look forward to the weeks ahead, we have some major celebrations coming up and I am glad to be here for them all. This Saturday, April 23 at 5pm we will have Bishop Cantu presiding as he confirms nearly sixty 8th graders. Next weekend, April 30 & May 1 at most Masses we will have First Communion and it will be exciting for the nearly eighty students receiving their First Eucharist. And the following week, May 8 will be Mother’s Day and we encourage you to bring your mothers to Church, or should I say, come with your mothers as they go to Church . There will be some great ministry in the weeks ahead. Come and join us for all of these and celebrate the Risen Lord among us.
Finally, we are going back to Tijuana this summer to build homes and support families in need there again. Our information night will be on May 4 at 7pm. Come and learn more about how to make an impact on those lives who need it the most. I look forward to seeing you at Masses this weekend.
God Bless
Fr. Brendan