Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Living at St. Simon Parish

Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Living (SEEL) is a transformative program rooted in the Spiritual Exercises developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola. This program is designed to help participants deepen their relationship with God through daily prayer, reflection, and spiritual guidance.

Trained spiritual directors accompany participants in weekly meetings of 45-60 minutes as they reflect on the Scriptures and their own relationship with Christ. Persons interested in SEEL are encouraged to have a regular daily practice of prayer and be open to continuing daily prayer of 45-60 minutes a day during the 9-month period. St. Simon Parish applications are due by Wednesday, July 31, 2024. There are a limited number of spaces available and applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis.

SEEL Information Meeting Recording click here

Some history … Ignatius of Loyola and the Spiritual Exercises

During the 1530s, St. Ignatius Loyola began writing about the emotions that took hold of him — feelings of gratitude and anguish, consolation and sadness — while encountering the scriptures. Those meditations eventually became the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, first published in 1548.

The Spiritual Exercises is a compilation of meditations, prayers, and other contemplative practices. It is not like other classics in Western spirituality that are typically read from beginning to end. It is more like a handbook, especially for use by spiritual directors who accompany and guide people through this dynamic process of reflection. Taken from Jesuit West Province; June 2021

St. Simon Parish Applications are due by Wednesday, July 31 at 11:59 p.m. Applicants will then be contacted for a Zoom interview. Applications are accepted with a requested fee of $750 per retreatant for those that are willing to be connected to a Spiritual Director. Scholarships are available. Contact Clare D’Agostino at seel@stsimon.org to inquire. If interested, you are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as you discern a call to experience the program as there are limited places available.

Elements of the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Living (SEEL) Program:

1. Daily Commitment to Prayer and Reflection: SEEL invites participants to dedicate a specific amount of time each day (usually 45-60 minutes) to prayer and reflection. This practice allows individuals to develop a consistent and disciplined spiritual routine, fostering a deeper connection with God in their daily lives.

2. Structured Guidance and Support: Participants are paired with trained spiritual directors who provide personalized guidance throughout the program. These directors help interpret experiences, offer insights, and support the spiritual journey, ensuring that participants stay on track and receive the encouragement they need. They will meet once a week in person or on zoom (to be determined).

3. Community and Shared Experiences: Participants and spiritual directors of the SEEL program will meet once a month in person where participants can share their experiences, challenges, and insights with one another. This sense of community fosters mutual support and enriches the individual spiritual journey through shared learning.

4. Scripture and Contemplative Practices: The exercises involve meditating on specific passages of Scripture, using imaginative contemplation to place oneself within the biblical scenes. This method helps participants to internalize the teachings of Jesus and apply them to their own lives.