You may want to first draft & save your application questions in a Word document (so that you can easily cut & paste your responses into the online application form). Please have the names, email addresses and phone numbers of two references easily available. Have a photo of yourself ready to upload to the application (if you need help with this, please email Clare at


1.) In a paragraph, tell us about your daily prayer practice.

2.) What draws you to the Spiritual Exercises and what are your hopes?

3.) Describe any course work, classes, or reading that you have completed in the areas of Scripture, Theology, Leadership, and/or Ethics?

4.) Describe any personal experience you have had in giving or receiving spiritual direction. If you have experience, include the length of time of such direction. How do you understand the difference between counseling and spiritual direction?

5.) If you have a family, partner, or other significant responsibilities, are these person[s] aware and supportive of your interest in the SEEL Program?

6.) Are there any special circumstances or needs that you have that would be important for the acceptance committee to consider in your application? The cost is $750.

7.) What do you believe you are able to contribute in regards to the expenses of the program?


If you have any questions about the application process, please contact Clare at:

Email: or Ph: 650-880-1413.

Thank you for considering the SEEL program and have a blessed day.