This Sunday, we gather to celebrate a pivotal moment in our faith: the Ascension of the Lord. This event marks not just a physical ascent but a profound transformation within the early Church. The days from the Resurrection to the Ascension were charged with awe, as the disciples experienced the joy of Christ’s presence anew. Despite their initial despair at His Crucifixion, seeing Jesus alive again filled them with an indescribable energy and hope. Yet, as He ascended, He promised not abandonment but the gift of the Holy Spirit, ensuring His presence would be with them always, guiding and strengthening them in their mission.


In those early, exhilarating yet daunting days, the Church stood on the brink of great transformation. The disciples, though anxious about the future, were also filled with excitement about the new chapter ahead. We find ourselves in a similar moment of transition here at St. Simon Parish.


As announced a few weeks ago, we are preparing bid farewell to Father Thuc, who will soon begin a new chapter of ministry within our diocese. Fr. Thuc has been a beacon of kindness, understanding, and spiritual guidance. His gentle presence has touched many lives in our community, and while we will miss him dearly, we are grateful for the time we have had with him. Personally, I will miss his companionship in our rectory house; his ease of collaboration has been a true blessing, and he has been a joy to live with. I will miss him dearly for sure.


In light of this change, there will be a reorganization within our parish staff roles. To address the growing needs in adult spirituality, we are introducing a new position: Pastoral Associate for Faith and Spiritual Formation. This role will encompass the faith and spiritual formation of our community members from infants & families, pre-K children all the way through to adulthood, thus integrating the responsibilities previously held by the Director of Children’s Faith Formation.


As part of this transition, we say good-bye Sister Mary Han, who has diligently served our parish in Children’s Faith Formation and sacramental preparation for the past seven years. Sr. Mary-Han’s dedication and passion, particularly for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program, has laid a strong foundation for our youngest parishioners and her unwavering dedication to the children and families will be remembered and cherished. Sr. Mary-Han has been instrumental in instilling the values of compassion, understanding, and love within St. Simon parish. Her passion for forming the children and her commitment to serving others have left a lasting impression on our community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for her service and the deep impact she has made.


Just as the disciples faced the future energized by the Holy Spirit, we too embrace these changes with open hearts and a spirit of anticipation. As we await the celebration of Pentecost, let us also look forward with excitement to filling these new roles. We are confident that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide and inspire our community, helping us grow as a Church and ignite the fire of faith in all we meet.


On Sunday, June 9th, following our Sunday morning Masses, we invite the entire parish community to join us for a special “Donut Sunday” in honor of Fr. Thuc and Sr. Mary Han. We will gather to give them a heartfelt thank you for their years of dedicated service and love to our St. Simon community. Let us express our gratitude, share memories, and offer our best wishes for their new assignments. This is a beautiful opportunity to show our appreciation for their significant contributions and to send them off with our love, prayers, and support as they continue their service to God’s people in new capacities.


Fr. Thuc and Sr. Mary-Han have each left an indelible mark on our parish through their compassionate ministry, commitment to spiritual growth and well-being of all parishioners. Fr. Thuc’s pastoral guidance and Sr. Mary-Han’s dedication to children’s faith formation has been fundamental in nurturing the faith journey of our community. Let us keep them in our prayers and all those entering new stages of ministry and may we all be open to the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.


I am thrilled to highlight last night’s magnificent musical production written by John Angotti, titled “JOB: The NOW Testament”. It was a profound experience for those who attended. We had cast members coming in from Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco along with students from our Parish School and Children’s Faith Formation program. This powerful portrayal explores the timeless story of Job, focusing on trust and truth in God, especially during those harrowing moments in life when God’s plans seem most unclear. The production masterfully captures the essence of faith and perseverance through its stirring music and compelling narrative.


For those who have not yet experienced the show, you have another opportunity to see it tonight for the final showing at 7pm here Church. Tickets are only $20 per adult and children are free. It is an event not to be missed—bring a friend, and together, immerse yourself in this extraordinary testament of faith that resonates with the challenges and triumphs of our lives today. This is a wonderful opportunity to explore the depths of our faith and the power of storytelling through music, reminding us all of the unshakeable presence of God in our lives, even in the most testing of times. You can buy tickets online here or tonight at the check-in table. Doors open at 6:30pm.


Finally, at all Masses this weekend, we joyfully honor all mothers for Mother’s Day. This special occasion gives us a wonderful opportunity to recognize and appreciate the irreplaceable role of mothers in our lives. We will mark this celebration with a meditation song that speaks to the heart of motherhood, reflecting on the deep and enduring love that mothers share.


During the Masses, we will offer a blessing, encapsulating our prayers and thoughts for mothers everywhere giving thanks and praise for the gift of mothers. We pray for the mothers-to-be, the young mothers, mothers who are separated from their children, all mother-figures, and especially for our own mothers who have nurtured and cared for us. Each mother present will receive a small gift as a token of our gratitude for their ceaseless love and devotion. It is a simple yet heartfelt way to acknowledge the significant impact of all mothers in our community.


We invite all parishioners to join us in this celebration, to honor the beautiful vocation of motherhood and to express our collective gratitude for the blessings that mothers bring into our lives. I look forward to seeing you this weekend.


God bless,

Fr. Brendan