We would like to partner with BASICS (Brothers and Sisters in Community Service), Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County,and ex-Village House volunteers to offer a shower service for the homeless and unhoused at Our Lady of Refuge Church in San Jose on Thursdays, from 1 PM to 4 PM each week. Each week the “Shower Van” will set up in the parking area. The van has two full size, private shower rooms mounted on a trailer. The location was chosen since Our Lady of Refuge offers overnight “safe parking”for unhoused people who sleep in their cars.
This is a call for volunteers!! Interested volunteers must apply as a Catholic Charities volunteer: ( ( (https://tinyurl.com/2p8tbf9w?
The Shower Van Ministry will provide hot showers, a meal,water, and hygiene kits too! We are looking for 3volunteers per shift. Spanish speakers are needed! We are looking for donations of new socks, underwear, and travel size containers of toiletries.
For questions or more information, please contact Larry Cargnoni at email: lcargnoni@sbcglobal.
Thank you!