This Sunday, February 14 is both Valentine’s Day and World Day of Prayer for Marriage and Family Life. We celebrate the gift of love in our lives and the gift of God’s love that sustains us every day. We will have a meditation song to celebrate love in our lives and we will give a blessing to married couples at all Masses while we recognize the importance of marriage in our community and in our world. A healthy and happy marriage plays such a crucial role in our lives and in our parish as we raise our children to be happy, healthy and faith-filled young men and women.

Speaking of love, I want to thank so many of you who wrote personal Valentine’s Day notes to myself and the other priests of the house. We were all deeply touched by your love and support. I must confess this community is very special and even though I have not yet met many of you in person because of the COVID restrictions, I can feel your warmth and love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Many of your handwritten notes were deeply touching to me and many of you made me cry. I truly look forward to when we can gather face to face without masks, share a hug and celebrate our community.