Below is a letter from Sr. Rebecca to Saint Simon Parish. On June 4th & 5th, we celebrated Sr. Rebecca’s 19 years of ministry Saint Simon Parish. As Sister says she is more “re-firing” than “retiring” and attached is a description of her new Ministry called Spirit~Joy! Click on the “Download Details” button on this page to see the details. Sr. Rebecca would love you to stay in touch with you. You can email her at
My dearest St. Simon Community,
What a JOY it was to be with you at all the Pentecost Masses! The Holy Spirit certainly was flying high with lots of Joy, Laughter, Grace, Love and Light!
Thank you, for your loving greetings at Mass, all your joy-filled cards full of blessing and sweet affirmation and your wonderful and generous gifts all along the way! I truly am filled to the brim of heaven and my heart is so full of gratitude for each of YOU!
This Pentecost we are all being sent out in a special way to share the gifts of the Holy Spirit that we have received from each other over these past 19 years! I love that we have made 19 our special number and every time we see it, or hear it, or write it, or speak it, we will remember each other and just know at that very moment we are thinking about each other, praying for each other and our tender God is giving us just exactly what we need right then and there. We are so loved!
A 91-year-old gentleman shared with me after Mass that he was just going to turn his number around every time he thought of it so he could pray for us all:) We are a creative bunch at St. Simon, always have been, always will be!
Remember, I am living at our Motherhouse in Fremont, only 30 minutes away, and I would love to hear from you anytime. I love you all, with a heart full of Joy, Peace, Play, Presence and Prayer, always, your S. Rebecca
My new email is Indeed…Spirit + Joy = Us:)