As we gather on this Third Sunday of Easter, we continue to celebrate the joyous season that illuminates the mighty works of God through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I continue to hear from parishioners how much they loved the Holy Week celebrations and Easter itself. It was so very memorable and meaningful for me, one of the best I have celebrated, and I remain very grateful to all the staff and ministers who supported and gave of their time and talent for Holy Week and indeed all of Lent to make it so special. I invite you to think about your talents or perhaps time you have available to give and consider sharing that with your St. Simon community. Please let me or the Pastoral Staff know if you would like to be involved in Lent, Holy Week or at any time during the year! You can email Clare D’Agostino here.


The Easter season spans seven glorious weeks, offering us a profound journey through the Acts of the Apostles—a text that might well be called the “Book of the Holy Spirit.” Throughout this Easter season, our readings from Acts invite us to witness the early Church’s vibrant beginnings, animated and guided by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life, plays an indispensable role in the Church, empowering us with strength, power, and courage. In these days following His Resurrection, Jesus spent His time preparing His disciples, teaching them to be attentive and responsive to the Holy Spirit.


In every account, from the bold proclamation of the Gospel by the apostles to the courageous witness of the early martyrs, we see the Holy Spirit at work, fueling the emerging Church with divine energy and purpose. It is the same Spirit that today animates our community, enriches our faith, and inspires our actions. I invite you as part of the St. Simon community to take this opportunity to act and inspire the young people of our parish. Encourage them as they receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit as they celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Cantú here at St. Simon on Saturday, April 27th. Please pick up a card or two at the Church entrances, write to them, congratulate them and encourage them in their faith! You can return the cards in the collection basket or to the Parish Office.


The gifts of the Holy Spirit—wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord—are bestowed upon us to lead lives that reflect God’s glory. These gifts are not merely to be admired but actively pursued and cherished. They guide us in discernment, strengthen us in trials, and deepen our relationship with God.


Imagine if you will, our lives as sailboats. While our decisions and efforts serve as the sails, it is truly the wind of the Holy Spirit that propels us forward. Without this divine wind, our sails flap uselessly; with it, no ocean is too vast to navigate. This metaphor captures the essence of our dependence on the Holy Spirit—it is God’s breath that moves us, His strength that steers us through the waters of life.


Let’s invite the Holy Spirit more fervently into our lives and be open to the Spirit’s guidance, allowing ourselves to be moved and directed by this powerful force. As we reflect on the readings from Acts this Easter, may we renew our commitment to be responsive to the Holy Spirit, trusting in its power to transform us. May this Easter season be a time of spiritual renewal and profound grace for each of you. Together, let’s pray for a deeper infilling of the Holy Spirit, that we may be empowered to live as true witnesses of Christ’s Resurrection.


Special Invitation: Experience “Job: The Now Testament” with John Angotti and professional cast from L.A and N.Y.C with the children of St. Simon Parish

In addition to our spiritual journey through the Easter season, we are excited to extend a heartfelt invitation to an extraordinary event that promises to enrich our faith and uplift our spirits. We are privileged to host the renowned Catholic musician and artist, John Angotti, who will be presenting his brilliant musical, “Job: The Now Testament.”


This powerful production brings to life the story of Job through a contemporary lens, exploring themes of faith, perseverance, and redemption amidst the trials of life. John Angotti’s musical talent and passionate storytelling bring a new depth to this timeless biblical tale, making it relevant to anyone grappling with life’s challenges.


“Job: The Now Testament” is more than a musical; it is a testimony of faith, a beacon of hope for those who are struggling, and a reminder of God’s unfailing presence even in our darkest hours. The themes and messages in this performance resonate deeply with the assurances of Easter and the renewing power of the Holy Spirit that we celebrate during this season. It was so well received last year, and it is back by popular demand.


We encourage all of you to join us for this inspiring event and to invite your friends and family. You can purchase tickets online here or call the Parish Office (Free for children, $20 adults). It is a wonderful opportunity to experience a fresh and engaging approach to Scripture, brought to life through the arts. It will take place at 7pm on Friday and Saturday, May 10th & 11th with a short intermission.


Do not miss this unique chance to see this show – it is like seeing a Broadway show right here at St. Simon! You will witness a spectacular testament to faith, brought to us by one of the leading voices in contemporary Catholic music. Let us come together as a community to support this event, and may it serve as a source of encouragement and spiritual growth. I look forward to sharing this beautiful experience with you all again. Please spread the word with all your family and friends.


God bless,


Fr. Brendan