This Sunday we will use the readings for Cycle A as we celebrate the first of the scrutinies for the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) process for the candidates and the Elect who are joining our Church and becoming full members of our community.


The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well is a powerful reminder that truly seeing goes beyond physical vision—it involves seeing with the eyes of the heart. Despite societal barriers and prejudices, Jesus engages the woman in a deeply personal conversation, revealing His understanding of her past and His offer of living water. This Lent, let us strive to cultivate the gift of spiritual sight, allowing ourselves to see others and ourselves as God sees us—with love, compassion, and mercy.


The way Jesus interacts with the Samaritan woman breaks down barriers of gender, ethnicity, and social status. Jesus’ willingness to engage with someone considered an outcast in society challenges us to examine our own prejudices and biases. Are there people or groups whom we overlook or dismiss? How can we follow Jesus’ example of reaching out to those on the margins and offering them the living water of His love and grace?


Like the Samaritan woman, we often encounter Jesus unexpectedly in the ordinary moments of our lives. It may be in the midst of our daily routines, at a well of physical or spiritual thirst, that Jesus reveals Himself to us. This Lent, let us remain open to encountering Jesus in the people we meet, the situations we face, and the quiet moments of prayer and reflection. May we be attentive to His presence and respond with openness and faith.


Meeting Jesus at the well transforms the Samaritan woman’s life. She leaves her water jar behind and becomes a witness to others, inviting them to come and see the Messiah. Similarly, our encounters with Jesus have the power to transform us from within, leading us to leave behind old ways of thinking and living and to embrace the new life He offers. May we allow ourselves to be changed by our encounters with Jesus, so that we too may become bearers of His light and love in the world.


As we reflect on the story this Lent, may we open our hearts to see Jesus more clearly in our lives and to interact with others in a way that reflects His love and compassion. May we drink deeply from the well of His grace and be transformed by the encounter, so that we may go forth as witnesses to His saving power.


This Lenten season, we are invited to deepen our spiritual lives through prayer, reflection, and encounter with God. As we journey together on this third week of Lent, we are excited to remind you of the special retreat titled “Seeing with the Heart,” led by Father Kevin O’Brien, S.J. Fr. Kevin, a renowned spiritual director and guide, will lead us in exploring the depths of prayer and connection with the divine.


In preparation for this transformative retreat, we encourage you to engage with my sessions on “Levels of Prayer.” Last week, we delved into the levels of three and four, where we learned the art of listening to God in prayer and how to truly be present with Him. These sessions serve as a perfect foundation for what lies ahead in Fr. Kevin’s retreat. The handouts and session recordings are on the website here.


Our “Seeing with the Heart” retreat will take place on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, March 4th – 6th, from 7-8:15pm. Each session will build upon the previous one, offering us a comprehensive journey into the heart of prayer and encounter. Whether you can attend all three sessions or just one, each moment spent in reflection and prayer will undoubtedly enrich your Lenten experience. We are selling Fr. Kevin’s books, and you can pre-order to pick-up at the retreat or stop by Spooncer Hall after Sunday morning Masses. Please bring cash or check or order online here.


For those unable to join us in person, we are pleased to offer a livestream option so that you can participate from the comfort of your own home here. However, we warmly encourage those who can attend in person to do so, as there is a unique power in communal prayer and shared spiritual growth. This is how we build community. Fr. Kevin is a phenomenal speaker and spiritual leader; I encourage you to invite your friends and join us. We will have wine and cheese on the last night to finish the session and have an opportunity to meet with Fr. Kevin more socially. Please let us know if you are coming, you can rsvp for the reception here.


Let us seize this opportunity to deepen our relationship with God and open our hearts to His presence during this Lenten season. We look forward to coming together as a parish community to embark on this sacred journey of “Seeing with the Heart.”


God Bless,


Fr. Brendan